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EPALE - Електронна платформа за учене на възрастни в Европа


Promoting Digital Literacy for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities

Rosa Sanchez

We are excited to share the success of the DIGITAL PUSH project aimed at promoting the effective and responsible use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) among individuals with intellectual disabilities. This project has significantly contributed to enhancing their digital competence, facilitating their integration into the workforce, and improving their professional and social skills.


  • Forum Para la Educación y el Desarrollo, SL (SPAIN)
  • Fundación Valentín de Madariaga y Oya (SPAIN)
  • I&F Education and Development Limited (IRELAND)


The DIGITAL PUSH project was initiated to bridge the digital divide and enhance digital literacy among individuals with intellectual disabilities. The main objectives included:

  • Promoting the responsible use of ICT.
  • Improving professional skills and social relationships.
  • Fostering autonomy and independence.

Resources Created:

Digital Push Manual:

A comprehensive guide with theoretical and practical content designed for educators, professionals, and volunteers working with intellectually disabled persons (IDPs). It is available in three languages: English, Spanish, and French.

Digital Labs:

Practical training modules covering three key areas:

  • Social Networks: Management of Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • Microsoft Tools: Basic use of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
  • Online Communication Tools: Proficiency in using Zoom, Meet, and Skype.

These labs were designed to provide hands-on experience and enhance digital skills.

We invite you to share your experiences, insights, and suggestions on how we can further improve and expand the DIGITAL PUSH project. Let's work together to bridge the digital divide and create more inclusive opportunities for everyone.

You will find more information about the DIGITAL PUSH project in:

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