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EPALE - Електронна платформа за учене на възрастни в Европа


Rahvusvaheline tööpakkumine / Call for Facilitators

Profile picture for user kadi.
Kadi Kass

Call for Facilitators 

Are you passionate about fostering community impact through youth initiatives? Here's your chance to be part of an impactful event!
Join us as a facilitator for the conference: "Community Impact in European Solidarity Corps Activities," scheduled from 12th to 14th June 2024 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Click here to find more info and the application form. 

Who should apply? 

  • Experienced facilitators with a background in international events and knowledge of the European Solidarity Corps Program
  • Individuals with expertise in community impact and a willingness to collaborate in an international setting
  • Proficient in spoken and written English

Deadline: 29th February

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Profile picture for user n00aytwg.
Margarita Petrova

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Profile picture for user n00aytwg.
Margarita Petrova

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