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EPALE - Електронна платформа за учене на възрастни в Европа



Strengthening Capacities to Support Active Ageing in the Conditions of the 21st Century - Peer Mentoring Programme for People 50+ (PEER-TRAIN)

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Ildikó Hanuliaková
Служебна карта за най-добър участник.

Population ageing represents for European Union one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century, this will irreversibly affect all spheres of society. According to GREEN PAPER ON AGEING in the last five decades, life expectancy at birth has increased by about 10 years for both men and women. Modernisation of different services, integration into the digital world, and promotion of social involvement are also timely and urging in the field active ageing. As a result of demographic changes in the 21st century, new needs and demands have appeared, to which it is necessary to react.

It is necessary to specialise services, elderly people need an age-friendly approach in counselling, education services and working life, but they have more open access to their peers. Based on the needs analysis implemented in the partner countries, peer mentors can have an extremely important role in the facilitation of active aging, in the process of life-long learning, in the promotion of maintaining employment and in the nurturing of social relationships. Although these people experience similar life situations, still, they have a stronger coping strategy, or even professional experience, thereby they set an example, inspire, and even help other people to live a meaningful and active life. Through participation in the Peer Mentor Training based on international experience can peer mentors enhance their skills and to transfer their experiences in a way that is suitable for the people 50+, taking into consideration the expectations of the 21st century, by using proper methods and techniques.

The project will involve 6 partner institutions, operating in the field of counselling and mentoring services, adult education, research and digital skills development from six countries – Germany, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Portugal, Bulgaria and Poland.


Main objectives of the PEER-TRAIN project are:

  • to contribute to the professionalization of partner organisations, increase the knowledge and develop professional and digital competencies of experts,
  • developing competences of peer mentors for people 50+ in line with the requirements of the 21st century by means of innovative solutions and digital technologies,
  • to support employment, lifelong learning of people 50+, but also others socially beneficial activities, achieving the longest possible independence and quality in life by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, through peer mentoring services,
  • developing skills and competences needed for people 50+ for a dignity, active and sustainable life in the 21st century through flexible blended-learning based on modern peer mentoring activities,
  • promoting and developing international cooperation


The most important expected results of the project are:

  • What Works in the field of Mentoring Services for People 50+? - comparative study to determine the efficacy
  • Peer Mentor Training “Peer Mentors of the 21st Century for People 50+”
  • Mentoring Programme for People 50+ in the form of Blended-Learning
  • Interactive On-line Platform containing:

a. E-learning for “Peer Mentors of the 21st century for People 50+”

b. On-line study-room for mentees (people 50+) – Mentoring Program for People 50+ in the form of Blended-Learning (e-learning part)

c. Electronic Platform for exchanging experiences between professionals

d. Activity Room – online community space, finding volunteers, conversations, targeted lectures, connecting mentors with mentees in different topics

The direct target group of the project include experts, people 50+ with professional knowledge, working experiences and competences, who are sufficiently enthusiastic, confident, motivated and interested in becoming a peer mentor, but also mentees - people 50+, who are interested in receiving help from more experienced peers in various fields.

The project will also be beneficial for the indirect target groups: training and educational institutions, non-governmental organization providing support for disadvantaged groups, labour offices, consulting organisations, employers, professional organisations, organizations providing counselling services for elderly people, umbrella organisations and associated partners.


More information can be found on the project website:

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