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EPALE - Електронна платформа за учене на възрастни в Европа

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Norwegian National Quality Framework for Career Guidance


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This report has been prepared as part of the work on the National Quality Framework for Career Guidance, for which Skills Norway has been commissioned by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. The report presents three out of four areas in the assignment: competence standards, career competence and ethics.

In 2018, a proposed solution for each of these three areas was developed in collaboration with three broadly composed groups, involving representatives from a range of sectors, roles and administrative levels involved in career guidance services. The groups were headed by the specialists Torild Schulstok, Assistant professor (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences – INN), Rie Thomsen, Professor in career guidance (Aarhus University), Anne Holm-Nordhagen, Assistant professor (USN) and discipline coordinator Erik Hagaseth Haug, Associate professor (INN), assisted by Tonje F. Gravås, Line W. Engh and Gry E. Bakke from Skills Norway.

The proposed solutions were circulated for comment in the spring of 2019. This report presents the three areas after the comments were incorporated. Skills Norway would like to thank the participants from the three groups for their extensive and highquality contributions towards the development of the proposed solutions. We would also like to thank the four specialists for their efforts, both in the implementation of the project and for their invaluable expert contributions.

Oslo, 16 October 2020

Ingjerd Espolin Gaarder Head of Department (acting) Department of Career Guidance

In July 2021 Skills Norway became part of the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills

The report has been translated to English with economic support from EPALE Norway

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Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills
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