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EPALE - Електронна платформа за учене на възрастни в Европа



A research, didactic tools, e-learning lessons and an online platform: Key-Co System improves digital tools for adult migrants learners and professionals in adult education


How can educational paths of adult migrants be fostered? How can teachers and educators in the field of adult education cooperate and develop innovative practices?

Key-Co System is a project funded by KA2 of Erasmus+ program designed to provide a possible answer to these challenging questions, thanks to the joint action of four organizations, three adult schools and two universities coming from five different European countries - Italy, Germany, Spain, UK and Greece - that share a high presence of migrants and refugees attending local educational paths.

Key-Co System is an action targeting adult migrants learners and teachers involved in the adult education field and is aimed to increase high-quality learning opportunities tailored on adult needs, in order to improve the achievement of the eight key competences.

On this purpose Key-Co System is implementing four intellectual outputs: a scientific research about second language learning in adult migrants education, didactic tools for teachers and trainers, e-learning lessons about the eight key competences and a platform,, where all materials created are stored and can be freely used, downloaded and integrated, up to an open source/open content model.

Key-Co System project enhances the use of digital tools as an innovative way to meet the needs of adult people. It gives the chance to use learning materials through different digital devices: in particular, it is designed to be mobile friendly, fostering the use of smartphones - commonly at disposal of migrants - in the learning process.

Moreover, Key-Co System foresees exchange and mobility activities for teachers and educators: short-term training events are regularly hosted by partner organizations in order to promote the exchange of practices and present activities implemented at local level.

On 9th and 10th July 2019 a meeting among partners will take place in Madrid to discuss the development of project’s outputs and the state of the art of the whole project. During the meeting will be also shared the agenda of next short-term training event, to be held in September in Cham, Germany.

Key-Co System is a project funded by Erasmus+ programme (KA2 – Strategic Partnership – Adult Education) and is promoted by Per Esempio Onlus (Palermo, Italy) in partnership with the following organizations and educational institutions:

- Centro Provinciale per l’istruzione degli Adulti – Palermo 1 (CPIA1), Italy

- Centro Provinciale per l’istruzione degli Adulti – Palermo 2 (CPIA2), Italy

- Università degli Studi di Palermo, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza – Palermo, Italy

- Volkshochschule Im Landkreis Cham e.v. – Cham, Germany

- Asociación Guaraní de Cooperación Paraguay – Madrid, Spain

- Solidaridad Sin Fronteras – SSF – Madrid, Spain

- University of Reading – Reading, UK

- Second Chance School of Assou – Lechaiou, Greece

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