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EPALE - Електронна платформа за учене на възрастни в Европа

Event Details

17 Май

Gaziantep Book and Culture Days Begin


Organized by the Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality between 17-26 May 2019; The fifth Gaziantep Book and Culture Days at the “15 July Square” started and will be open between  11.00-23.00 hours.

Partnered with Turkey Religious Foundation and Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, the largest book days of the Southeastern Anatolia Region was held in collaboration and motto "Ramadan Meets with Books". 200.000 books will be exhibited at the 102 booths with the 240 publishing houses and many authors will come together.


Event Details
As planned
Уебсайт на събитието
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Друго събитие
Organiser name
Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality
Registration URL
Gaziantep Book and Culture Days Begin
Очаквани резултати от ученето
200.000 books will be exhibited at the 102 booths with the 240 publishing houses and many authors will come together.
Такса за участие

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