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EPALE - Elektronisch platform voor volwasseneneducatie in Europa

Communities of practice

Communities of practice

Communities of practice zijn onlinegroepen waar mensen met dezelfde interesses van de volwasseneneducatiesector bij elkaar kunnen komen. Word lid van een gemeenschap om gelijkgestemde EPALE-leden uit heel Europa te ontmoeten en ideeën, middelen en praktijkvoorbeelden uit te wisselen.

Food Literacy for Local Food

11 leden
The aim is to build European cooperation and develop a community-based learning model that promotes Food Literacy and supports multi-vulnerable adults.

JobShadowEur Erasmus+

77 leden
Purpose of group JOBSHADOWEUR project aims to propose innovative virtual, blended & physical job shadowing possibilities for staff & institutions from the Adult, VET & School sectosr & maximise the

Mentors’ ENgagement through Training and Oriented Results (MENTOR)

47 leden
The aim of the MENTOR project is to strengthen the capacity of youth organisations by providing them with tools to facilitate the implementation of mentoring activities within their own activities.

Language as an Instrument for Inclusion

5 leden
This space will be used to talk about the project LIFI (language as an instrument for inclusion) to prepare the project and discuss the different phases

Comunità Democratica e Sviluppo Sostenibile

20 leden
Aumentare competenze dei docenti: a livello metodologico-didattico per migliorare l'apprendimento degli studenti, le competenze dei docenti per lavorare in team, le competenze linguistiche doc.. disc.

MOB4ALL Erasmus+ Project

12 leden
MOB4ALL logo.
MOB4ALL project objective is to encourage as many participants as possible to participate in the Erasmus + experience, particularly trainees from the LGBTQIA+ community, without facing discrimination.


2 leden
European operative room nurse Partager les pratiques d'évaluation et d'apprentissage des infirmières de blocs opératoires

Educating Talents

42 leden
Empower teachers to prevent talented learners from becoming bored, underperforming or even dropping out of school. These strategies will give talented learners the opportunity to reach their potential

Halk Eğitimi Merkezi

3 leden
Halk Eğitimi Merkezleri örgün eğitim sonrası yetişkin eğitiminde dünyada ve Türkiye’de önemini ve gerekliliğini iyiden iyiye daha yoğun hissettiren kurumlar olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır.


31 leden
Zweck der Gruppe Share knowledge and exchange of expieriences Zielgruppe Anbieter von Erwachsenenbildung Thema Unterstützung für Lernende – Listing Administrator/Moderator Wolfgang BAUTZ

REMATT Erasmus+ Project

47 leden
REMATT Erasmus+ Projet.
The REMATT project aims to use digital technologies to provide innovative and modular distance learning for tutors in companies and tutors in educational and training institutions. REMATT will prepare

PTMA Erasmus + project

61 leden
Logo .
The primary aim of the PTMA project is to use digital technologies to more effectively prepare and accompany potential VET learner participants.