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„Epale“ - elektroninė suaugusiųjų mokymosi platforma Europoje

Comunità Democratica e Sviluppo Sostenibile

Aumentare competenze dei docenti: a livello metodologico-didattico per migliorare l'apprendimento degli studenti, le competenze dei docenti per lavorare in team, le competenze linguistiche doc.. disc.

The CSR for Tourism (CSR4T)

5 nariai
The CSR for Tourism (CSR4T) project aims to update the skills and competencies of experts that will able to transition the touristic business to implement the CSR principles within their business

Mindfulness Based Art Therapy (MBAT)

13 nariai
MBAT is a new method of psychological intervention first proposed by Laury Rappaport in US in 2009. The aim of this community is to exchange materials about MBAT across Europe.

KA1 Staff mobility, courses and job-shadowing

169 nariai
Purpose of group The purpose of this group is to give adult educators a space for discussion about KA1 projects, courses and job-shadowing and discover new mobility opportunities. Erasmus+ project

JobShadowEur Erasmus+

105 nariai
Purpose of group JOBSHADOWEUR project aims to propose innovative virtual, blended & physical job shadowing possibilities for staff & institutions from the Adult, VET & School sectosr & maximise the

Mentors’ ENgagement through Training and Oriented Results (MENTOR)

58 nariai
The aim of the MENTOR project is to strengthen the capacity of youth organisations by providing them with tools to facilitate the implementation of mentoring activities within their own activities.

Adult educators digital skills - how to create learning communities online

119 nariai
Purpose of group Exchange experience on how to enhance digital skills among adult educators (staff, trainers, teachers). Starfsmennt, the Educational Training Centre for Public Employees, is

Digital Inclusion in Adult Community Learning

Purpose of group Adult learning in community settings has an important role in moving towards full digital inclusion. Currently, many adults across Europe lack the basic skills to get online and to

Erasmus+ Project: M4Pris

4 nariai
We aim to provide prison staff with a state-of-the-art peer mentoring programme to tackle: Mental Health Issues, Job Burnout and Job-Related Stress.

Informal moments in adult education for learning, group dynamic and recreation

20 nariai
Logo of the iMOtion project.
We believe in the importance of informal moments not as a separate part of a training, but as crucial part of the learning architecture. We would love to discuss with (adult) educaton providers this

eGreen Erasmus+

47 nariai
The objective of is to develop and disseminate solutions so that VET professionals and VET learners can actively engage in a successful green digital transformation.