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EPALE - Avrupa'da Yetişkin Öğrenimi Elektronik Platformu


Haberler | Our NGO started cooperation with AKOI

Profile picture for user icergetova.
Ivana Tomanová Čergeťová (NGO) had the opportunity to present the results of our project and the way of working with disadvantaged groups for the AKOI (Association of cultural and educational institutions). The association contributes to increasing the professional level of cultural and educational workers and the quality of activity of cultural and educational facilities, participates in the creation and implementation of conceptual, strategic, legislative and development documents in the field of cultural and educational activities and contributes to the exchange of experience and networking of cultural and educational institutions on Slovakia.

The association decided to prepare a cycle of seminars that focus on risk and endangered population groups in Slovakia. Since our NGO works with such a target group, we were invited to show several work techniques using movement and movement therapy. The seminar from this cycle, entitled Cultural Integration, was held on 5 and 6 December 2022 in Liptovský Ján (Slovakia). The invitation to the professional seminar was accepted by our director Ivana Tomanová Čergeťová, who presented our form of work with inactive persons on the labour market. The presentation included many physical activities related to the concept of attachment theory and bonding, and also body perception through movement and bioenergetic exercises.

Ivana Cergetova ( during presentation.

Ivana Cergetova ( during movement activities.

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