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EPALE - Avrupa'da Yetişkin Öğrenimi Elektronik Platformu


EPALE discussion: how to contribute to Environmental awareness in the field of adult learning

Profile picture for user EPALE Moderator.
EPALE Editor

As part of our January-March 2020 focus on Environmental awareness and protection, EPALE is organising a written discussion on how to contribute to Environmental awareness in the field of adult learning. The discussion will take place on this page on 18 March between 10:00 and 16:00 CET.

How to contribute to Environmental awareness in the field of adult learning.


As part of our January-March 2020 focus on Environmental awareness and protection, EPALE is organising a written discussion on how to contribute to Environmental awareness in the field of adult learning.

The discussion will take place on this page on 18 March between 10:00 and 16:00 CET and will be moderated by EPALE Thematic Coordinator Altheo Valentini and by EPALE Content Assistant Claudia D'Eramo.

► Share your stories, tips, case studies and good practices with the EPALE community!

Also, if you’ve ever been involved in successful projects dealing with environmental protection and awareness through adult learning, or if you have developed any relevant methodologies that aimed to improve or introduce the environmental consciousness in the adult learning field  – share your story with the other participants in the comments below!

The discussion on 18 March will include the following topics:

  • Do you know the UN Agenda 2030 and the related 17 Goals for Sustainable Development? are you contributing to their achievement?
  • What can we do to sensitise and empower the adult population in tackling climate change and global warming?
  • Sustainable management of adult education organizations... from carbon to digital footprint.
  • Present your best practices on environmental education and global citizenship.
  • Building locally engaged and internationally aware communities.

► Comments will be open on 16 March so participants can introduce themselves or post their comments in advance.

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Alena Valjašková
Çar, 03/16/2022 - 09:49

Dear all, what is realy important in the field of adult environmental education is to educate well teachers.  Teachers have a great impact on children and young people, with sufficient knowledge and with a good insight on how to teach children about the environment. Why? Because childeren and young people could be a teachers as well, and could be the ones to bring new thoughts and ideas on how to live sustainably and with the lowest possible impact on nature and enviroment into their families, among adults.

That was the reason for our Erasmus + project Healthy Future 4Y & the PLANET  with collection of good practices to successful approaches that train children and adolescents as well as youth educators across Europe to make responsible decisions with regard to actions that affect the climate (including healthy nutrition patterns). Good practices are available in english, german, slovak and slovene language. Find more at:

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Alena Valjašková
Çar, 03/16/2022 - 09:27

Dear all, what is realy important in the field of adult environmental education is to educate well teachers.  Teachers have a great impact on children and young people, if they have a sufficient knowledge and a good insight on how to teach children about the environment. Why? Because childeren and young people could be a teachers as well, and could be the ones to bring new thoughts and ideas on how to live sustainably and with the lowest possible impact on nature and enviroment into their families, among adults. That was also the reason for our project Healthy Future 4Y & the PLANET, which collected a good practices on this issue, especially how to make responsible decisions (effects of nutrition patterns) with regard to actions that affect the climate. More you can find here:

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Manuprāt, tieši pieaugušie vairāk domā par to, kā labāk šo vidi saglabātu tīrāku un mazāk atstātu traģiskus nospiedumus uz vidu. Mūsdienu jaunieši par to aizdomājās, jo viņi domā, ka viss nokārtosies tāpat. Vairāk būtu jādomā par to, kā izglītot tieši mūsu jauniešus.

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Profile picture for user Andreas Koreimann.
Andreas Koreimann
Pt, 05/18/2020 - 11:05

Dear colleagues, we would like to invite you, your colleagues and stakeholders very warmly to our EPALE Online Conference 2020: The role of adult education in fostering environmental awareness and sustainabilityon 17th and 18th of June 2020. Here you can find the links to the programme and registration. We are looking forward to your participation. Best wishes from Austria
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Dace Diāna Bērziņa
Per, 03/19/2020 - 15:45

Par prioritāti Eiropas Savienība (ES) uzskata rūpēties par drošu un veselīgu uzturu, kā arī nodrošināt ražīgu un ilgtspējīgu lauksaimniecību un zivsaimniecību. ES palīdz lauksaimniekiem un zvejniekiem nodrošināt pārtikas pieprasījumu un stabilu apgādi ar ilgtspējīgi ražotu un drošu augstas kvalitātes pārtiku par iedzīvotājiem pieņemamu cenu.
Pasaulē divas trešdaļas trūcīgo iedzīvotāju dzīvo lauku apvidos, un viņu iztika ir atkarīga no lauksaimniecības. Pārtikas un uztura nodrošinājumam ES vienmēr ir atvēlējusi centrālo vietu attīstības sadarbībā, un tirdzniecības attiecībās un kaimiņattiecību un paplašināšanās politikā tā pievērš īpašu uzmanību pārtikas nodrošinājumam un ilgtspējīgai lauksaimniecībai un zivsaimniecībai. ES ir lielākā humānās pārtikas palīdzības sniedzēja pārtikas krīzēs cietušajām personām visā pasaulē un iegulda ļoti daudz līdzekļu, reaģējot uz situāciju valstīs, kuras apdraud bads.
Lai nākotnē tiktu izskausts bads un veicināta ilgtspējīga praks, ES ir jāturpina darbs pie ilgstspējīgi ražotas pārtikas, lai ar to tiktu nodrošināti cilvēki. Pamatojoties uz ES 2030. gada lauksaimniecības perspektīvām, ES nav gaidāms pārtikas nodrošinājuma trūkums, ja nebūs ievērojamu tirgus traucējumu. 
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Profile picture for user ponfotis.
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
Çar, 03/18/2020 - 16:25

A good practice in Greece in promoting environmental awareness and sustainability education is the Environmental Education Centers. Greece has a network of 53 public Environmental Education Centers, one in every Prefecture.
 These Environmental Education Centers organise each year Seminars and Workshops for teachers of Primary and Secondary Education and other adult citizens. Apart from that the teachers (from Primary and Secondary Education) who work in these Centers design and offer Environmental Education Programs for school teams. These programs can last from 1 to 3 days.
Another good practice of Environmental Education Centers in Greece is the Thematic Networks they coordinate in local, regional and national level. Teachers and students are asked to participate voluntarily in these Thematic Networks exchanging ideas, good practices and educational material. The Thematic Environmental Education Networks organise at least one Teachers' meeting annually, so that teachers are trained in pedagogical methods, discuss and exchange ideas and educational material. The Thematic Environmental Education Networks also might organise Action Days such as the Reuse Day organised annually by the "Anakyklososte"  Network, that is coordinated by the Environmental Education Center of Vamos in Chania (in the western part of the island of Crete). 1.000 -2000 teachers and students paricipate in this Action Day, organising reuse actions and workshops in their schools all over Crete.
The Environmental Education Centers in Greece were created by the Ministry of Education and Religion and were supported by EU funds (except for the teachers' salaries thar are paid by Greek funds).
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Profile picture for user nvalealt.
Çar, 03/18/2020 - 16:22

Dear all,

it has been a great pleasure for me and Claudia D'Eramo to follow and moderate this enthusiastic and informative discussion on Environmental awareness in adult education!
Of course, you can keep posting your comments and take some time to review and appreciate other members' contributions. 
We will do the same in order to publish a dedicated blog-post that will summarize all your precious indications on projects and initiatives from all around the world.

For the timebeing, we want to close this discussion with a breaking news from another European Platform, EUROPEANA - the European Digital Library, which has just announced a new action on climate change. The Europeana Network Association represents galleries, libraries, archives, museums, as well as cultural heritage institutions and professionals from all over Europe that want to express their support for pursuing meaningful climate action and encouraging the Europeana Initiative towards discussion and collective action.
Click here if you want to know more!

Best regards
Altheo Valentini (Moderator)

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Profile picture for user Dr. Szederkényi Éva.
Éva Kata Szederkényi PhD
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Çar, 03/18/2020 - 16:21

Even though I am a Hungarian ALE professional, I would like to share a best practice I have witnessed in Ireland via the Irish Rural Link (link is external) (IRL) while visiting Maynooth University as an Erasmus+ scholar. Founded in 1991 its aim is to develop the organisation and management of IRL in a manner that is inclusive, participatory and sustainable. As a non-profit organisation now directly represents over 600 community groups with a combined membership of 25,000.

Also the Irish Rural Link is determined to highlight, publicise and respond to key rural issues through operational projects and programmes and it is run by a small and dedicated core of professional staff members which aims at all times to drive forward the rural agenda, aid members and influence the various political levels on rural issues. A determined mission indeed. 
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Donald Vogli
Çar, 03/18/2020 - 16:19

Hello everyone 
In recent years, Albania has prepared several comprehensive documents, related to the environment and the preparation of new documents is on-going. Strategies and action plans usually determine targets and indicators for the purpose of monitoring progress. The relevance of progress monitoring, the regular collection of data and the calculation of indicators, and analysis and evaluation of data and indicators is increasing as these steps are required for decision-making on timing and allocation of limited financial resources. This is extremely important for progress reports prepared on the implementation of different cross-cutting strategies and the NSDI. ​
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Profile picture for user SİİRT HALK EĞİTİMİ MERKEZİ.
Çar, 03/18/2020 - 15:47

Corona, the most current problem, seems to change our cleaning and other habits of life. We should pay attention to hygiene rules in order to protect against the disease of the age. In this context, courses organized as a certified course program for adults in Public Education Centers, which are adult education centers, are important. The course named "Hygiene Training for People Working in the Food and Water Sector" and the other six courses in this field reveal the importance of hygiene in production. 
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In our country (Turkey) since the year hygiene education courses in adult education institutions are organized.

 Those who work in the food business or those who will work are obliged to attend these courses.
How important these courses are was understood with the CORONA disease we live.

While organizing these courses, we have to be more careful about our future because those who complete these courses will prepare food for us. These courses are really important if we want to have a hygienic diet.
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Profile picture for user Vedovatti_Anildo.
Anildo Vedovatti
Çar, 03/18/2020 - 15:36

"Enterprise in the Circular Economy" program in Hungary.
In Hungary organized by the Association of Environmental Service Providers and Manufacturers and sponsored by the Blue Planet Climate Protection Foundation, the second event of a 3-cycle workshop and training on eco-innovations and green start-ups took place. Experiences and opinions gathered in recent years through conferences, consultations, trainings, studies have created the "Enterprise in the Circular Economy" program, which aims to provide credible information to policy makers, law enforcement, economic operators (manufacturers and service providers), professional organizations, and was an effective and smooth promotion of the attitude, transition to a circular economy. A further aim is to provide the participants with consultation and networking opportunities, as well as professional answers and contacts as needed to move on.

I was very pleased to read this particular initiative. Every day in Hungary we encourage our students to be environmentally aware. Don't litter, don't waste, save money. The change in attitudes in education and economic life must go hand in hand. Most national companies today are focused on short-term profit making, ignoring the environment. There is unlimited and irresponsible use and disposal of resources in the economy. 50% of the world's leading companies already have a concept to keep their materials in use. There are legislative and financial measures that help to develop a competitive, sustainable economy. Just as we are educating our students to be environmentally aware, economic operators must be given a forum to learn about the essence and methods of a circular, sustainable economy.
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Profile picture for user NSS Sverige.
Çar, 03/18/2020 - 15:22

A lot of the Swedish Folk High Schools work actively with Agenda 2030, the UN's goal for global sustainability. The Folk High Schools are very much at the forefront when it comes to working with Agenda 2030 and a great deal of work is done on General courses and profile courses. The climate challenge and the work on social sustainability are important Folk high schools.
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Profile picture for user SİİRT HALK EĞİTİMİ MERKEZİ.
Çar, 03/18/2020 - 14:59

As adult educators for a livable environment, we can raise awareness by conducting various activities with adults in healthy nutrition education. In the child education course we opened for adults in Siirt Public Education Center, we provided trainers with trainings on healthy nutrition of their children. To our news You can reach the link. We are waiting for your opinions on the subject. 
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Profile picture for user melikeuysal.
melike uysal
Çar, 03/18/2020 - 14:48

Hello Everyone! 
We organize regional workshops for seven regions in Turkey. In February, we held the Marmara Regional Workshop, and one of the topics was the thematic focus. In the workshop, an academician from university, present and discussed information about environmental awareness and protection with participants. It was very beneficial for the participants. Also, TR users published contents on the platform. Some of the better contents you can find on the links below: 

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Ilze Ivanova
Çar, 03/18/2020 - 14:30

Dear Claudia
I think the empowerment is needed in adult education  in general to link generations for  reaching future goals.
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 There are already many meaningful ideas posted here. Environmental awareness education for adults is clearly the best way to improve the environmental problems we are currently facing. As the economic activities of mankind have diversified and social functions have become different, environmental issues have become more complex. 

 In South Korea, the environmental rights were first defined as the basic rights of the people since the establishment of the Environment Agency in January 1980. Naturally, the discussion of environmental education has begun. In 1990, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Ministry of Environment decided to reflect the content of environmental education in the regular curriculum for elementary, middle and high schools.

 But environmental education at school didn't go smoothly. Environmental education in middle and high schools over the past decade shows that the number of schools that choose environmental subjects and the number of teachers in charge of environmental education are still small. Many analysts say this was due to the lack of preference for environmental subjects due to the majority of admissions-oriented education. Environmental education in society is not much different. The international community, busy solving environmental problems, set 2005 to 2014 as the "Education for Sustainable Development" period and put efforts into environmental education.

 To solve the environmental problems of all of us, the efforts of all the members of the school and society are important. That is why environmental education is essential. Environmental education, especially for adults, should be considered important because adults are the main members of society.

 In South Korea, for example, through "the Green Wands", an online site for environmental education, anyone can learn seven different fields of water, air, ecology, resource recycling, environmental health, human economy, energy and climate change through video.

t also enforces practical policies such as "the Car Day". It's an advanced civic traffic culture exercise that puts electronic tags on cars and does not operate vehicles on those days. (* Subject to participation: Non-operating cars with less than 10 passengers registered in Seoul)

 The above education and systems help adults think about environmental awareness and protection. I'm sorry to cite only South Korea's cases as a prime example, and I think we should all achieve environmental protection through 'practice.'
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Dear Jina

thanks a lot for your examples of good practice from South Korea! This reminds us that raising the awareness on environmental topics is an effort that we have to undertake at a global scale. Of course, there similar portals in English language that support educators with tools and learning scenarios (fo example the UN CC:e-Learn, a ‘one-stop-shop’ for accessing climate change learning resources and services offered by the UN system, and the eduCCate Global platform, an online Climate Change Teacher Training Academy), but it would be very interesting to learn more about different practices from different cultural point of views!

Kind regards
Altheo Valentini (Moderator)
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In my opinion education is the answer for all the environmental issues what we struggle from. Knowledge is the key to success. We have to be patient and educate adults in various ways how to keep our Mother Earth clean and safe for the future and for the next generation. Maybe actions like FRIDAYS FOR FUTURE for adults (Greta Thunberg) can also help. 
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Thank you for the comment, I sincerely agree with you. Also, the method of Learning by doing, i.e., experimental learning is crucial.
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Profile picture for user Mona Schliebs.
Mona Schliebs
Çar, 03/18/2020 - 14:14

I totally agree with so many of you and I think raising awareness for environmental issues is central in order to come one step closer to all those goals defined by the UN. If people don't see the necessity to become active themselves we can predict as many catastrophes and define as many goals as we like - I'm afraid it's not going to make a difference unless people start to change their mindsets about this. It's not an issue that the world will be facing in a few hundred years - it is one that the world is already suffering from now.

I'm convinced that adult education and andragogy can help to raise awareness and to turn abstract problems into more personal ones. I work at the Innovation in Learning Institute at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and as the competence center for digital education we work on numerous projects on national and European level, providing technologically and pedagogically innovative learning offers for all different kinds of target groups. We understand education as a lifelong process and address all areas and stages of life. Environmental awareness and protection is one of them and for 2020 we have started two Erasmus+ projects,PLASTIC FREE HEROES and R.I.S.To.VET. If you are interested, feel free read more about this in my latest blog post about this (available in German). 
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Ilze Ivanova
Çar, 03/18/2020 - 14:05

The discussions are very interesting and it is good that we are  speaking about environmental education for adults.I think we have to put more accents on all these topics in childhood, because it is more difficult to change  something than to create .  The travel into big life starts in the families . It would be interesting to hear from other countries about some projects how we work with parents . Parents are adults ,but sometimes  especially in schools we dont perceive  them  like this.
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Dear Ilze,

parental education is one important field of adult education and it is not so frequently tackled by European projects, especially in the field of environmental education. I agree with you and I am also interested in learning about local initiatives focused on how families and adults can positively influence the behaviours of younger generations towards the respect of the environment and the practice of sustainable lifestyles!

Kind regards
Altheo Valentini (Moderator)  
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Profile picture for user SİİRT HALK EĞİTİMİ MERKEZİ.
Çar, 03/18/2020 - 14:03

As adult educators for a livable environment, we can do various activities with adults in our trainings on healthy nutrition. We provided trainings to our trainees on healthy feeding of their children in the child education course we opened for adults within the Siirt Public Education Center. You can reach our news by clicking link.
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Profile picture for user SİİRT HALK EĞİTİMİ MERKEZİ.
Çar, 03/18/2020 - 13:56

Today, humanity is looking for a way out of consumerism. He tries to regain the natural resources he wasted with his consumption frenzy. We are not satisfied with the fact that the universe we live in did not inherit from our grandparents; We should realize that our grandchildren have a trust in us and act accordingly. As adult educators for a livable environment, we should raise awareness by informing our trainees about environmental awareness that will affect our future in our training. 
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Kā zināms, kaut arī ES ir starp līderiem daudzās nodarbinātības un sociālajās jomās, mūsu sabiedrība joprojām saskaras ar problēmām, kuras ir jārisina un viena no šim problēmām ir nabadzība. Nabadzība ne tikai liedz cilvēkiem realizēt savu potenciālu dzīvē, bet arī kavē viņu iesaistīšanos sabiedrības dzīvē un neļauj īstenot savas tiesības uz kvalitatīviem pakalpojumiem, jo tam vienkārši nav līdzekļu. Runājot par nabadzību es nedomāju tikai par ienākumu trūkumu un materiālo nenodrošinātību, bet arī par diskrimināciju un neiesaistīšanos lēmumu pieņemšanā. Nabadzība un materiālā nenodrošinātība var turpināties ilgu laiku. Eiropas Savienība ir centusies iznīdēt nabadzību dažādos veidos, piemēram, izmantojot likumdošanu un īpaši šim nolūkam atvēlētu finansējumu, koordinējot rīcībpolitiku un veicinot korporatīvo sociālo atbildību. 2017. gadā pirmo reizi pēc krīzes sākuma pasaulē, to cilvēku skaits, kurus apdraud nabadzība vai sociālā atstumtība, Eiropas Savienībā samazinājās, jo tad nabadzība vai sociālā atstumtība skāra mazāk cilvēku nekā 2012. gadā, kad krīzes vilnis bija visaugstākais. Eiropas Savienības mērķis bija līdz 2020. gadam atbrīvot no nabadzības tik daudz cilvēku, lai to skaits būtu vismaz par 20 miljoniem mazāks nekā 2008. gadā. Lai gan pētījumi rāda, ka nabadzības un sociālās atstumtības risks vairāk apdraud personas neaizsargātā situācijā, piemēram, bērnus, jauniešus, cilvēkus ar invaliditāti vai zemu izglītības līmeni, bezdarbniekus, tos, , dzīvo mājsaimniecībā ar ļoti zemu nodarbinātības intensitāti vai strādā nestabilā darbavietā. No ārējo attiecību viedokļa ES ir viena no pasaules līderēm nabadzības izskaušanā. Tā liek lietā saskanīgu rīcībpolitiku kopumu, kas ietver attīstības sadarbību, dažādus tirdzniecības politikas instrumentus un Eiropas kaimiņattiecību un paplašināšanās politiku. ES un tās dalībvalstu izstrādāts attīstības sadarbības satvars, kas paredz izskaust nabadzību, izbeigt diskrimināciju un nevienlīdzību
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Dear Biruta,
thanks for your comment.

For the benefit of all, let me post a Google translation of your content. It contains interesting views.

Claudia D'Eramo (Moderator)

As we all know, although the EU is a leader in many areas of employment and social affairs, our societies still face challenges that need to be addressed, one of which is poverty. Poverty not only prevents people from realizing their potential in life, but also hinders their involvement in society and prevents them from exercising their right to quality services because it simply has no means. When it comes to poverty, I do not only mean income poverty and material deprivation, but also discrimination and non-involvement in decision-making. Poverty and material deprivation can continue for a long time. The European Union has sought to eradicate poverty in various ways, for example through legislation and dedicated funding, by coordinating policies and by promoting corporate social responsibility. In 2017, for the first time since the onset of the crisis, the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion in the European Union has fallen, with fewer people affected by poverty or social exclusion than in 2012, when the crisis wave peaked. The European Union has set itself the objective of lifting at least 20 million people out of poverty by 2020, compared with 2008. Although studies show that people at risk of poverty and social exclusion are more vulnerable to situations such as children, young people, people with disabilities or low educational attainment, the unemployed, those living in very low-income households or in precarious work. In external relations, the EU is one of the world leaders in the fight against poverty. It puts in place a coherent set of policies that include development cooperation, the various trade policy instruments and the European Neighborhood and Enlargement policies. Development cooperation framework between the EU and its Member States to eradicate poverty, end discrimination and inequality.

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Profile picture for user Uros.
Uros Velickovic
Çar, 03/18/2020 - 13:19

In February 2020, EPALE NSS Serbia organised a call for content for the best blog posts on the subject ‘Environmental awareness and protection’. The aim of the call was to gather and promote best adult education practices in the field of environmental protection and awareness in Serbia. We received many inspiring entries and some of the better rated ones you can find on the links below:

- Adult education, social networks, media and children as factors of raising the ecological awareness of adults (EN) - Jovan Macut:
- How adult education can contribute to raising of environmental awareness and protection (EN) 
- Jingle all the way: Going Eco-friendly with holidays in academia - Example of good practice from Serbia (EN) - Ivana Krsmanović:
- Adult education for a healthier environment (EN) - Jovanka Vićentić:, 
- Learning together (EN) - Tatjana Mršić:
- Како оbrazovanje оdraslih моže doprineti podizanju еkološke svesti i zaštiti životne sredine (HR) - Đorđe Asanović:
- Nevidljivi slon i bicikli (HR) - Natali Svilokos:
- Educational Programs for Sustainable Society in Serbia (EN) - Džejn Paunković:
- How adult education can contribute to improvement of environmental awareness and protection (EN) - Aleksandra Danilović:
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Albina Buci
Çar, 03/18/2020 - 13:07

I am greetig you from Albania, which is having a hard time, like all of Europe and the whole globe, because of covid 19. We are all locked in the house and reflecting on our behavior in the environment and in nature. This online discussion is useful in such hard time. What I want to share with you at this point is that environmental culture should be cultivated from an early age of individual development. As adults, we must take responsibility for our actions in the environment, not forget that the environment or nature is first, our home, our food, our pharmacy, our life and not just the environment where we conduct our activities and so on.  It's the time for deep reflection!
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I think this discussion is very topical because it makes everybody who participates in the discussion to think over and reflect - "what about me" , what is my attitude to big goals,to the goals of my country these goals influence my life now .
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Until know here have been a lot of interesting projects and thoughts posted. I know that it is a quiet complex topic with many different levels and areas touched, so it is not easy to see it separated. Nevertheless as the discussion is meant to focus on Adult Education i would like to set the focus on informal adult education as an helpful approach to environmental awareness in that field. Of course we can see the topic as it was answered before already, for example how adult education institutions can act more sustainable (prepare the environment etc)... That is of course a very important step and can also effect the group of participants indirect. But for me it also seems important to ask, how can the topic itself become more important to participants of adult education? Clearly, one step could be fo adult education institutions to make information-offers about sustainable environmental subjects, because first step always is getting information about something to be able to think about it. But then we have to think about the target group that would feel interested in that. probably persons who already are interested and aware of this topics, so that would not be quiet helpful. For that topic in my opinion it could be quiet helpful to focus on informal adult education, outside of institutions. There is more space to work on the topic creatively and reach more persons, without "teaching" them directly. The exhibition which was mentioned in the comments before is a quiet good example. I also want to show two examples of germany shortly: 1. "Tag des guten Lebens" - "Day of good life" ( ). It is a project that focus on one Sunday in summer each year, which is a car-free day in one district of Cologne each year. The idea is that the neighborhood creates this day as they like to. They prepare the whole year, connect with each other, share ideas, make projects, so in fact do democratic participations. In the end there take a lot of relevant topics place like: zero waste, cultural diversity, DIY projects to create a more sustainable day-to-day-life, connect local projects and organizations, focus on local consume etc... So when you compare with the 17 aims of the UN Agenda, you can find Goal 11, 12 and 13 directly implemented: 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns, 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Also organizations and projects have space there to introduce themselves and explain how they work with topics of climate change and try to make the city more sustainable and how everybody can participate there. So in fact that project is addressed to everybody but of course also includes informal adult education, because people get in touch witch each other without the pressure of learning something about climatechange now, instead they can get to know each other very comfortable share ideas and experience, get inspiration and work together on upcoming ideas. So they focus on sustainable topics, and at the same time it is very sustainable because as neighbors get in touch the chance they will stay in touch in care for their district/city in future is high, so its also sustainable in that way. The second example is a project that was invented by Friday For Future in Cologne. They made a "Public Climate School" in November. It was on the one hand another form of protest, as it was mentioned no not attend the lectures for one whole week. But it was also in cooperation with many teachers, so teachers gave their lecture slot to FFF, and they created a whole week with many lectures and courses about sustainable topics, about climate change and environment. They invited international experts to share their information. There we also Films and many different types of events. The clue is that it was public for everybody and particularly open for everybody from society who normally does not get in touch with that topic. So they created an informal adult education project with a very wide target group. 
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Dear Luka,
thank you for refocusing the discussion on adult education as a means to environmental awareness. And thank you for the interesting info you shared.

I invite users who talked about the Fridays for Future to have a look at Luka's contribution about Cologne's "Public Climate School" in November.

Claudia D'Eramo (Moderator)
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Dear Luka, it is interesting to focus on informal education initiatives, in particular on those that manage to have an impact on a large target and change the mentality and awareness of many people a little. As successful informal education initiatives, I would like to quote “M’illumino di Meno” (= “I illuminate myself less", but in the title there is also a play on words linked to the assonance with the title of a famous poem by Giuseppe Ungaretti: “M’illumino d’immenso”), which represents the Italian national day of energy-saving and sustainable lifestyles. It was conceived in 2005 by “Caterpillar”, a daily entertainment radio show, and Rai Radio2, its public broadcaster, to ask their listeners to turn off all the unnecessary lights e rethink their consume. 

Over the years it has always grown: lights are turned off in the piazzas of Italy, the monuments - the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Colosseum, the Verona Arena, the palaces which are symbols of Italy - the Quirinal, Senate, and Chamber of Deputies, and many citizens' private homes. Citizens participate: guided tours are being organized in low light, energy efficiency is discussed in schools, people dine in candlelight in many restaurants, and astronomical observations are taking place in piazzas, taking advantage of the reduction in light pollution. It has also expanded abroad: the Eiffel Tower, the Foreign Office, and Vienna's Giant Prater Ferris Wheel have also been turned off for “M'illumino di meno”. 

This annual campaign was back on March 6th, 2020, and this year it was dedicated to increasing the amount of trees, plants and green around us. But this year all attention is devoted to the tragic epidemic.

Sandra Federici (Epale Content Manager)

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Maris Pavlovs
Çar, 03/18/2020 - 13:07

I think that change requires the will of the world's governments. Now there is a unique situation when all countries participate in the struggle for security from the virus, countries with different ideologies impose the same restrictions (in general terms) and explain in detail to their citizens the need for all actions. Why is there no such will for action for the environment? Then there will be a place for adult education.
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Claudia D'Eramo
Çar, 03/18/2020 - 13:25

In reply to by Maris Pavlovs

Dear Maris,
I get your point, and this is a consideration we are facing these days.

Maybe it could be that environmtal consequences are not so visible? Or they are not visible unless a natural disaster happens. Maybe people react to emergency but prefer to procrastinate shared efforts.

How could the field of adult education change adults' mindset?

Claudia D'Eramo (Moderator)
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Dear Claudia thanks for the answer! 
Below was a comment that love helped “turn on” the green mindset. Maybe we need to invest in adult education a love for humanity and a sense of brotherhood? Where can I listen to the topic "Digital Security as an Instrument of the Unity of Humanity" or "Green House as an Investment in the Future for All"?
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Exactly! Current situation proves that people from all over the world can unite and impact the situation (by the way, during the COVID-19 quarantine in China their amount of carbon emissions reduced by 25% which is quite impressive). If only people could unite not only when situation requires "right now" actions, but also think about the future and prevent them in advance... that's what we need concerning the environmental issues. We need to develop environmental awareness which means to understand the fragility of our environment and the importance of its protection. Promoting environmental awareness is an easy way to become an environmental steward and participate in creating a brighter future for our children.Spread the awareness, don't be indifferent.   
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