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EPALE - Elektronisk plattform för vuxnas lärande i Europa



Request your Erasmus+Space now!

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Request your Eramus+Space now!

Are you looking for a tool to help manage and promote your Erasmus+ project? Are you struggling to find a free and secure space to cooperate with partners?

Look no further, at EPALE we have the solution!

The Erasmus+Space is a safe and secure tool designed in particular for for Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2 projects. Project coordinators and partners may use it for collaboration and dissemination, since it offers the possibility to post content privately, as well as communications to the broader public.

The core objective is putting into practice blended mobility and cooperation projects, notably starting with coming together online that will be followed up by physical meetings.

Video file

How does it work?

Request your Erasmus+Space, and once activated you can start inviting more members of your team to populate the group.

The Erasmus+Space allows you to cooperate and manage your project activities, and it’s a flexible tool ensuring privacy when needed, and visibility for contents you want to make public.
In fact, your Space can host private content and discussions among project partners, as well as public content for promotion purposes. It’s up to you to decide.

The Erasmus+Space on EPALE is aimed at helping projects to cooperate better, and to promote themselves to the whole adult learning community in Europe.

What’s next?

At a later stage, the ecosystem - where everything can be found in one place - will be expanded with links to Erasmus+ tools, such as the future beneficiary module.

Curious? Request your Erasmus+Space now!

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