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EPALE - Platforma Elektronike për të Nxënit e të Rriturve në Evropë


ONAT4ALL, a project designed to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in outdoor, nature and adventure tourism.

The project is drawing to an end, but the commitment to accessible tourism lives on !

Profile picture for user Agence Erasmus Plus France Education Formation.
Agence Erasmus + France Education Formation
Community Hero (Gold Member).

The project is drawing to an end, but the commitment to accessible tourism lives on!

The ONAT4ALL Erasmus+ project brought together several European partners to work on the theme of accessible tourism. The consortium is made up of a number of organisations based in France (CCIFM), Italy (Controvento SCS, Trekkify), Spain (Predif), Belgium (ISTO) and Ireland (I&F). Over a period of two years, these organisations worked together and held numerous meetings with stakeholders as they jointly constructed the results of the project. 

Find out what ONAT4ALL has to offer:

  1. Self-assessment tool for SMEs in the accessible tourism sector 

This is a practical, functional and easy-to-use tool that aims to raise awareness and provide guidance to companies on how to be more inclusive.

By answering a series of questions, organisations providing tourist services can carry out a free self-assessment of their level of accessibility. The tool calculates a final score and provides feedback and suggestions in a number of areas.

The aim is to encourage SMEs in the tourism value chain to move into a major new potential market segment, by enabling them to offer accessible tourism products or services. 

  1. Training in personal assistance 

As part of this second result, we developed a series of tools that could be described as a “Learning Kit”.

  • Practical guide - Accessible horizons. The kit was co-created with a wide range of stakeholders (tourism professionals, public and private tourism management and promotion bodies, associations working in the field of inclusion and with people with disabilities). It provides valuable information on how to make outdoor activities accessible to all.

  • Interviews. We gathered feedback from nature/adventure tourism professionals and other stakeholders in order to highlight certain solutions or good practices in terms of accessibility. 
  • Free training on “Accessible tourism and attention to customers with special needs”. An online course divided into 5 modules to help people understand the challenges of accessible tourism and develop the relevant skills for inclusion and outdoor tourism.
  1. Toolbox for accessible digital marketing 

This tool is aimed directly at SMEs in the tourism value chain who want to improve their knowledge and skills in developing an effective and accessible digital marketing campaign. 

All the tools developed are available on the ONAT4ALL website.

These results were widely shared, particularly at the dissemination events organised in all the countries. The main event took place in Brussels on 28 November 2023 as part of the celebrations for the 60th anniversary of the International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO). Participants included organisations such as universities, tourism associations, social economy networks, European, national, regional and local authorities, as well as representatives of the European Commission.

Thanks to the ONAT4ALL project, the tourism stakeholders involved were able to benefit from a number of co-developed tools, as well as opportunities for joint projects to get to know each other better and envisage new collaborations. These participants developed their skills in terms of inclusion and accessibility, and are now better equipped to offer services adapted to all. This enables people with disabilities to benefit from more inclusive local ecosystems and a wider, more connected range of tourism services. 

At European level, ONAT4ALL contributes to efforts to create a more inclusive society that guarantees equal opportunities and fuels the debate on tourism for all. 

This work would not have been possible without the contribution of the many stakeholders. Members of associations active in tourism, SMEs, representatives of local institutions and people with disabilities worked alongside us. We thank them for their commitment to tourism for all !

[Translation : NSS EPALE France]

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