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Health begins in the family – Prevention and health promotion for families in precarious circumstances in Europe

The Erasmus+ project "Health begins in the family" presented its project results to EU Commission officials in Brussels.

Ulrich Förster

At the end of the Erasmus+ project "Health begins in the family", experts from six European countries met in Cologne from 24-26 July 2023. The three-day workshop included professional inputs and visits to projects as well as a day trip to Brussels to present and discuss the activities and results of the project work with representatives of the EU Commission. The extensive presentation of the practical work of all participants aroused great interest.

The EU-funded project aimed to improve health care and prevention - especially for socially disadvantaged families. Children from these families are exposed to health risks at an above-average rate. "It has long been proven that poverty has an impact on the health of children and adolescents," says Michaela Hofmann from the Diözesan-Caritasverband Köln, which coordinates the project. The consequences of this poverty are, for example, an increased frequency of caries, overweight, accidents, diabetes and coordination disorders. Early detection examinations and vaccinations are also less frequent among children from socially disadvantaged families. "In order to help children and adolescents, we address the parents and advise them on health issues," Hofmann continues.

Projektgruppe in Brüssel.

The Erasmus+-Project "Health begins in the family" in Brussels. Picture: Ulrich Förster

Through the European project cooperation, the topic of health should now be given more attention - in doing so, the organisations from the different regions of Europe wanted to benefit from each other: How do they deal with health care in disadvantaged families locally? What can the associations learn from each other and improve? In Kaunas, Lithuania, knowledge about healthy nutrition was imparted through play and workshops. In Linz, Upper Austria, for example, many families have been advised on health issues so far.

The project started in November 2020 and will end in August 2023. A total of 14 digital meetings and four workshops lasting several days were held in person. The seven European partners include the Diözesan-Caritasverband für das Erzbistum Köln (Diocesan Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Cologne), Caritas Oberösterreich (Caritas Upper Austria), Caritas Alba Iulia in Romania, the Caritas Association in Trieste, Italy, the umbrella organisation of day care centres in Kaunas, Lithuania, as well as the NRW Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs and West Smethwick Enterprise in the United Kingdom. The Social Service of Catholic Women in Langenfeld participated as an associated partner.


Further information can be found on our project website.

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