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Erasmus+ 2023 call launched: €4.2 billion to support mobility and cooperation in education, training, youth and sport

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Erasmus+ 2023 call launched:

On 23 November 2022, the Commission launched the call for proposals for 2023 under the Erasmus+ programme. With an annual budget of €4.2 billion, Erasmus+ is increasing its support for inclusion, active citizenship and democratic participation, and green and digital transformations in the EU and internationally.

Erasmus+ flagship feature being mobility, next year, the programme will continue to support the movement of school pupils, higher education and vocational education and training (VET) students, adult learners, young people in non-formal learning programmes, educators and staff across borders and towards a European educational and training experience. As of 2023, the programme will feature a new action to support sport coaches through their participation in mobility projects, extending opportunities for cross-European cooperation and learning directly to local grassroots sport organisations and their staff.

The programme will rise to the challenges we expect to face in 2023 by providing meaningful support to learners and educational staff fleeing the war in Ukraine, continuing to strive for a more inclusive programme, and building on the legacy of the European Year of Youth.

Erasmus+ support is aimed at activities feeding into programme priorities in the fields of schools, higher and adult education, VET, as well as youth and sport. Based on open calls for project applications, any public or private body active in the fields of education, training, youth and sport can apply for funding, with the help of Erasmus+ national agencies based in all EU Member States and third countries associated to the programme, and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency.

The entire Erasmus+ programme focuses on four key priorities, among which inclusion and diversity. Organisations and participants with fewer opportunities themselves are at the heart of this priority. The programme therefore keeps on supporting participants' inclusion mechanisms and dedicated resources to remove any barriers to their participation.

In addition to encouraging across all the different educational sectors projects that seek to support the green transition, the programme continues to strive for carbon-neutrality by promoting sustainable transport modes and more environmentally responsible behaviors.

Furthermore, the programme will keep supporting the youth dimension in existing initiatives and policies. At the same time, project and activities under the Erasmus+ 2023 call will continue feeding into the EU's commitment to upskilling and reskilling, thereby providing a valuable contribution to the proposal to make 2023 the European Year of Skills.

Background info

Created 35 years ago, Erasmus+ is one of the most emblematic EU programme and nearly 13 million people have participated in the programme so far. With a total budget available for Erasmus+ from 2021 to 2027 amounting to €26.2 billion, complemented with about €2.2 billion from EU's external instruments, the programme is set to support even more participants and ideas in Europe and beyond.

The European Commission launched the call for proposals under the Erasmus+ call for 2023 following the adoption of the 2023 work programme.

All the info

2023 annual work programme

2023 Erasmus+ call for proposals

2023 Erasmus+ programme guide

Factsheet on new Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme

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Enj, 01/12/2023 - 10:50

Talán elsimulnak a hullámok az alapítványi egyetemek finanszírozásával kapcsolatban. Sokszor találkoztunk érdektelenséggel a hallgatók körében, de azért voltak rengetegen akik éltek a mobilitási lehetőséggel…

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