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EPALE - Platforma Elektronike për të Nxënit e të Rriturve në Evropë



The Round Table Held by NSS EPALE Teams from the Region

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Daria Mršić

The NSS EPALE teams from the region held a round table on September 16 – 17, 2021 in Bijeljina. The two-day meeting was hosted by the EPALE National Support Team (NSS) from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The round table was attended by members of the NSS EPALE teams from Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. On the second day, the NSS EPALE team coordinator from Northern Macedonia also joined the meeting via ZOOM and was informed on the first and second meeting conclusions.

On the first day, the NSS teams agreed on the agenda of The Fifth EPALE Regional Conference and other details, necessary for the successful realization of the event. The conference will be held online on November 22 – 23, 2021. All the teams that attended the round table will equally participate in the organization of the conference while the host of this year’s fifth EPALE Regional Conference will be the NSS EPALE team from Serbia.

The second day of the meeting addressed the continuance of cooperation of the NSS EPALE teams from Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Northern Macedonia. Furthermore, the NSS EPALE teams from the region shared ideas and proposals on implementing new activities at the regional level, concluding to save the successful cooperation of NSS EPALE teams in the next cycle of ERASMUS+ 2021/2027 program.

Okrugli sto NSS EPALE timova iz regiona

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