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Ērika Pičukāne: the great unknowns, computer and language

Be positive in your work! In your attitude and way of thinking.

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Ērika Pičukāne

Short Bio

I am currently a methodologist in the Latvian Language Agency (LVA). In my everyday work, I teach Latvian foreign nationals and cooperate with educators who teach languages in schools. In my career, I have been responsible for re-emigration families’ camps and teachers’ language workshops. I have also taught Latvian to third-country nationals, refugees, and asylum seekers, and I have managed various languages and integration projects of the Asylum Seekers Integration Fund. My work and scientific interests include integration issues, tolerance, the continuous training of teachers, intercultural education, bilingual education, and inclusive education. Since 2009, I have been studying for a doctoral degree at the University of Latvia (LU) in pedagogy, specialising in the area of adult pedagogy. I have also obtained a Master’s degree in LU, educational sciences and pedagogy, and a Bachelor’s degree in Baltic philology.


I’ve been using the EPALE platform to find information and publish my experiences for several years now. And I’m glad my advice is useful for others as well!

My Story

In March 2020, after Latvia announced the state of emergency, my colleagues and I realised that there was no time to wait; we needed to adapt. Therefore, all activities — language courses for minority pre-primary education institutions, school teachers, third-country nationals — due to the risk of the spread of the Covid-19 virus, were organised only remotely by the LVA (Latvian language agency). In the evenings, I began teaching language remotely by using a variety of online tools. At first, everyone was worried about how the first lessons would go, whether everyone would log on or understand clearly enough what was needed without the teacher’s direct presence. Remote learning to limit the spread of the virus was the right thing to do, but it was not easy! Neither for educators, or project coordinators, or language learners. Many active studying hours with language learners had to be accomplished (including all organisation questions, too). There was more individual work to do. The un-understood and un-heard had to be explained repeatedly (and in many cases, the training took place without there being a common language among students and teachers). It was definitely not easy because it was crucial to help people work with different digital skills, and even without them - to learn and overcome their fears, not only from language but now also from the computer.

While I was working, I tried my best to support others, so some of my recommendations for adult educators who teach the language remotely too are as follows:

  • Schedule enough time to prepare for online work with students successfully. Anticipate that extra time will be required. Do not worry. A small delay at the beginning of the class due to explaining mundane instructions will not have a serious effect on long-term learning.
  • Try to give your lessons all the same structure. It will make it easier for learners to focus on work, and you won't need to spend time on additional explanations. For example, you can start a lesson by learning new vocabulary, practice speaking exercises, and perform some fun tasks or activities. At the end of the lesson, organise how you have been used to earlier (for example, each student can express themselves, tell others how they feel, using the new vocabulary that has just been learned, and so on).
  • Don’t forget to get instant feedback, too, with the help of various tools.
  • If you have several days off on your training course, send a movie fragment, an animation, a song that students have to play as homework.
  • Be positive in your work! In your attitude and way of thinking.

Erika's Zoom

Personally, I believe I was lucky because, in my first group which began their course remotely, there were some professional computer specialists, and students from Vietnam, who had really excellent computer skills. I taught the language, but they taught me how to work with different digital tools, use sites, etc.
Having had this experience, I clearly understand that adult education has to be both  in person and remote. Especially if we want people living in remote regions of Latvia to participate in the training! Thanks to social media and various online seminars, there are now much greater opportunities for self-learning!



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Attālinātās mācības mums visiem bija un joprojām ir izaicinājumu pilns pārbaudījums: skolotājiem - nodrošināt saprotamu un interesantu mācību satura pasniegšanu, skolēniem - apgūt gan mācības, gan pašdisciplīnu. Taču ir vēl kāds būtisks moments, ko šāds mācīšanās veids ir ieviesis skolotāja-skolēna attiecībās, ko arī piemin Ērika - notiek šo sociālo lomu nobīdīšanās, un vairs nav melns un balts jeb skolotājs/skolēns. Skolēns tagad ir tikpat skolotājs, piemēram, digitālo rīku un iespēju izskaidrošanā skolotājam, savukārt, skolotājs ir tikpat skolēns šo rīku apguvē. Līdz ar to vairs nav šīs vienvirziena projekcijas "es mācu - tu mācies". Attālinātā mācīšanās sniedz zināšanu mijiedarbību jeb "es tev - tu man". Mēs mācāmies kopā un arī mācām kopā - tikai katrs savu jomu. 

Paldies par iedvesmojošu rakstu un ieteikumiem - tieši tā, mierīgi, pozitīvi, nebaidoties atzīt savu nezināšanu un nekautrējoties lūgt palīdzību, soli pa solim apgūsim šo mācīšanās veidu, kas nākotnē, visdrīzāk, ieņems ļoti nozīmīgu vietu vidējās, augstākās un mūža izglītības jomā.

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Visi saskarās ar līdzīgām problēmām, vadot mācību stundas attālināti, tāpēc nezkatoties uz to, ka nemācu valodu,  bet gan bioloģiju, matemātiku un ķīmiju,  ieteikumi  bija  ļoti noderīgi. Īpaši punkts par pozitīvu domāšanu un attieksmi. Mums katram ir vēl ko mācīties, bet  esam arī daudz pieredzējušu un uzzinājuši šajā COVID pandēmijas laikā. Liels paldies Ērikai Pičukānei!

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Sarmīte Pīlāte
Pet, 06/11/2021 - 07:55

Paldies Ērikai par stāstu - izlasīju to ar interesi. Stāsts pozitīvs un iedvesmojošs un vēlreiz atgādina, cik svarīga ir pareiza attieksme pret lietām, ko nespējam mainīt.

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It was a real chance and honor to meet her in my Latvian language journey. She is a perfect teacher and doesn't matter how she is teaching online or not. We learnt a lot from her latvian language, latvian traditions and more about latvia. Thank you for all!

Bija reāla iespēja un gods viņu satikt manā latviešu valodas ceļojumā. Viņa ir ideāla skolotāja. Mēs daudz uzzinājām no viņas Latviešu valodas, latviešu tradīcijām un vairāk par latviju. Paldies visiem!

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Buenas tardes, Erika. 

Los profesores nos hemos visto desbordados ante la digitalización, pero, si sabes cómo, es una gran herramienta. Yo, en mis clases, recurro a todo tipo de herramientas para mis alumnos: vídeos de Youtube, juegos como Kahoot o herramientas educativas digitales, como Syntagma Digital. Personalmente mi experiencia es muy buena, aunque soy consciente de que necesitamos ayuda externa y un plan por parte de las autoridades. 

Espero que tus alumnos hayan aprendido sin dificultades y lo pongan en práctica. 


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