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EPALE - Elektronická platforma vzdelávania dospelých v Európe



POSILNIŤ - Konferencia komunity EPALE 2023

10.10.2023 - sledujte prenos z prvého dňa Konferencie komunity EPALE 2023!

Profile picture for user PeterMa.
Peter Maľa

Rekvalifikácia a zvyšovanie kvalifikácie sú kľúčové pre uvoľnenie potenciálu európskej pracovnej sily a využitie príležitostí v praxi. Ako prekonať nedostatok pracovnej sily zvládnutím zelenej a digitálnej transformácie a zabezpečiť konkurencieschopnosť Európy?

Aké zručnosti sú najdôležitejšie, aby sa ašpirácie ľudí zhodovali s reálnymi príležitosťami na trhu práce? 

Špeciálny priamy prenos z Bruselu! Úvodný deň konferencie je organizovaný v spolupráci s belgickou národnou podpornou službou EPALE a bude sa naživo vysielať z LaVallée - Centre de création v Bruseli.

EPALE Community Conference - Agenda 10 October

Prečítajte si vyhlásenie o ochrane osobných údajov týkajúce sa Konferencie komunity EPALE. Nižšie uvedené video načítava obsah zo služby YouTube, ktorá je službou spoločnosti Google LLC. Informácie o tom, ako môže spoločnosť Google používať vaše údaje, nájdete v zásadách ochrany osobných údajov spoločnosti Google.

Vo videu vyššie si môžete pozrieť plenárne zasadnutia prvého dňa Konferencie komunity EPALE 2023: POSILNIŤ. Pracovná sila so zodpovedajúcimi zručnosťami. Prenos je verejne dostupný a nie je potrebná žiadna registrácia. Stačí sa len pripojiť!

Srdečne vás pozývame na interakciu s účastníkmi a rečníkmi prostredníctvom sekcie komentárov v dolnej časti tejto stránky. Na tento účel sa musíte prihlásiť na portáli EPALE

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Profile picture for user Ērodeja Kirillova.
Ērodeja Kirillova
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Št, 10/12/2023 - 10:29

Mākslīgais intelekts ienāk mūsu ikdienā tik cieši un iekļaujoši, ka mēs to pat bieži nepamanām. Jaunieši un daudzi cilvēki vidējā vecumā to pārsvarā prot izmantot gan ikdienas dzīves atvieglošanai, gan izklaidei, protams, ja pieejamas tehnoloģijas un to nodrošinājums. Bet vecākā paaudze diezgan grūti iekļaujama šajā pasaulē, jo vispirms baidās, ka tehnoloģisko zināšanu risinājumi ir nepietiekami lai nenodarītu paši sev zaudējumus; otrkārt nav pārliecināti, ka viņu darbības IT vidē, kāds neizmantos pēc viņiem kā turpinājumu un nenesīs zaudējumu viņiem vispirms finansiāli un arī morāli. Ir jau lieliski uzsvērt, ka tehnoloģijas atvieglo dzīvi, bet ir jābūt garākam, gribētos teikt ilglaicīgākam  pārejas periodam (vai dubultai iespējai) jo ne visi iedzīvotāji ir gatavi šai virtuālajai videi.. jo cilvēkiem ir jānonāk šajā vidē sarbojoties ar patiku, nevis spiestā kārtā, jo citas opcijas saņemt vajadzīgos pakalpojumus vienkārši netiek nodrošinātas...

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Ut, 10/10/2023 - 11:31

That's all for today!

See you tomorrow for a very exciting day at the EPALE Community Conference!

Take part by using the hashtag #BloomWithEPALE

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Profile picture for user Ivan Šarčević.
Ivan Šarčević
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
Ut, 10/10/2023 - 11:26

It is too soon for AI in many levels of education. It's even too soon for calling this technology an AI. 

However, the question of reducing human workforce remains open. Not every person is keen on learning for that kind of technology usage. Instead of making bold statement that we CAN use AI, we need to ask ourselves SHOULD we use it. 

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Ut, 10/10/2023 - 10:45

To get to know more about Clare Stark, UN Coordinator at UNESCO for Emerging Technologies. Ethics of AI Recommendation -

Guidance for generative AI in education and research -…

AI and education: guidance for policy-makers

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Gianluca Ravanelli
Ut, 10/10/2023 - 10:32

How could AI support autonomous exploration of knowledge?

The ability of AI to interact in a human-like way with people could multiply the channels of interaction in education. Could this make it easier for students to explore knowledge following their own personal inclinations by interacting with a number of human-like sources of information, anytime and anywhere, without being worried about overwhelming their teacher?

Could this perspective be useful? Can we educate students to fruitfully use AI in this manner?

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I agree that AI brings many opportunities for learning and freeing up space for self-development. The issue of access to technology is also relevant, but the issue of basic literacy, including digital literacy, is perhaps even more important.  

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Profile picture for user JaninaG.
Jana Galová
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Ut, 10/10/2023 - 10:23

According to research in Czech schools, 45.5 % of respondents rate AI as a positive tool for future development. On the other hand, almost half (47 %) of respondents believe that the use of AI will lead to the dumbing down of humans. At the same time, Czech teachers overwhelmingly think that it is too early for AI to be widespread. 
The truth is that we will never be ready enough. I am glad that the EU is responding and making proposals for regulation. In particular, practices such as subliminal influence, exploitation of vulnerable populations, the creation of 'social scores', real-time biometric identification.. 

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Ut, 10/10/2023 - 10:17

Good morning, 

In my opinion it will be inevitable, AI will end up replacing us in most jobs. But, in terms of skills, I think we have a lot to gain from AI. Learning will be able to be effectively individualized, adjusted to the needs of each person and will be able to happen naturally throughout our lives. We will probably need a very different school and teachers who will be more mentors. I don't think that's bad! All of this will probably dictate the change in education that we all feel necessary.


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Katinka I. Käyhkö
Ut, 10/10/2023 - 09:53

I would be interested in hearing out how the outreach of less or under served learner groups is being funded around Europe? Are there any current or upcoming funding tools at sight to facilitate funding of training opportunities for them who cannot pay themselves and do not have an employer etc. to pay the training for them?

Especially the options that serve not only nationally but on European level are of interest (online and onsite).

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Ut, 10/10/2023 - 09:51

Know more about the Erasmus+ Programme for Adult education:

As mentioned by our first speaker Sophia Eriksson Waterschoot, the European Commission has also just opened a public consultation on Erasmus+, which will help  evaluate how the current programme is going. Share your views on the consultation page! 

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Ut, 10/10/2023 - 09:14

Are you ready to untangle the many implications of Artificial Intelligence in education and to discover how upskilling and reskilling can meet the challenges of shortages in the labour market?

If you already have pressing questions on these issues, feel free to start posting them here.

We'll then address them to our speakers!

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Ut, 10/10/2023 - 09:12


Good morning everyone!

And welcome to the first day of the 2023 EPALE Community Conference. We are looking forward to starting the streaming in less than half an hour!

If you are not an EPALE registered user yet, register following this link: As a registered user, you'll be able to write your comments here, and fully interact with our speakers and with the rest of the EPALE community!

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Posledná diskusia

Profile picture for user PeterMa.
Peter Maľa

Nasmerovávanie umelej inteligencie v súčasnej spoločnosti

Pridajte sa k nám a diskutujte o úlohe umelej inteligencie v súčasnej spoločnosti a o možných nástrojoch, pomocou ktorých sa ju naučíme čo najlepšie využívať.

Profile picture for user PeterMa.
Peter Maľa

Udržateľnosť a vzdelávanie dospelých: posun za rámec zelených zručností?

Pridajte sa k nám a zamyslite sa nad zelenými zručnosťami ako spôsobom riešenia zložitých vzájomne prepojených problémov, ako je zmena klímy a environmentálne výzvy.

Profile picture for user PeterMa.
Peter Maľa

Základné zručnosti v rámci Paktu pre zručnosti

Preskúmajte začlenenie základných zručností do iniciatívy Pakt pre zručnosti!


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