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EPALE - Platformă electronică pentru învățarea adulților în Europa


Get to know the Erasmus+ register of education and training staff for support to Ukrainian refugees

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The war in Ukraine has shaken the world. By now we are all aware of the disastrous effects of the invasion and armed conflict through the eyes of the refugees who seeked shelter in EU countries.

War, with its brutality and its giant consequences, can make us feel powerless. Even so, Europe has not stood on the sidelines. And, actually, Erasmus+ and EPALE has done the same. We mobilised our civil efforts, solidarity, skills and competences to tackle this aggression, and add a tile more to this collective response.

With the aim of encouraging our community to reflect on the role of adult learning and education in this challenging time, we share ideas and practices, to see how education can get ready to react to crises, and help tackle them.

After the Ukrainian crisis, on EPALE we have increased the number of content and resources to support your organisation and activity dealing with crisis education and humanitarian support.

The key initiative is the Erasmus+ register of education and training staff for support to Ukrainian refugees, to support organisations providing education and training to Ukrainian refugees fleeing the Russian aggression.

The register covers adult education, vocational education and training, as well as general education at pre-primary, primary and secondary level (including early childhood education and care).

Explore the Ukraine register

How to use the register?

For individuals:

If you have relevant skills and you want to get make yourself available to work with European education and training organisations welcoming Ukrainian refugees, click here to register now!  

For organisations:

If you are looking for teachers, trainers or other experts from abroad to support your efforts in welcoming Ukrainian refugees, click here to view the list of registered experts.

EPALE is hosting this register as part of its support to organisations providing education and training to Ukrainian refugees fleeing the Russian aggression.

The register covers adult education, vocational education and training, as well as general education at pre-primary, primary and secondary level (including early childhood education and care).

What is the purpose of this register?

The purpose of the register is to connect:

  • individuals (teachers, trainers and other education staff and experts) who are willing to spend time abroad to help with provision of education and training to Ukrainian refugees


  • education and training organisations that are working with Ukrainian refugees and looking for persons with relevant skills to support them.

Why is this an ‘Erasmus+’ register?

The register is designed specifically to help organisations running Erasmus+ mobility projects. Its goal is to help organisations that wish to use their project funds to organise mobility activities for education staff and experts that want to work with Ukrainian refugees.

How does the register work?

Interested teachers, trainers and experts can make their availability known by registering their name and profile in the Erasmus+ register.

Education and training organisations can then search the list of registered individuals to find and contact a person with a profile they are looking for.

What kind of support is provided by Erasmus+ programme?

Erasmus+ can provide a grant through education and training organisations that are currently running an Erasmus+ project.

The funds can be provided:

  • by the sending organisation (in form of a grant for ‘Teaching or training assignment’), or
  • by the receiving organisation (in form of a grant for ‘Invited experts’).

In terms of geographical coverage, activities supported by Erasmus+ programme must take place within European Union member states and third countries fully associated to the Erasmus+ programme: Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, and Turkey.

Important: please note that registering here is not an application for an Erasmus+ grant. The purpose of the register is only to facilitate first contact between organisations and motivated individuals. If cooperation is agreed, an Erasmus+ grant can be provided by the sending or the receiving organisation within the standard rules governing the Erasmus+ programme. The European Commission is not able to provide a direct grant for a specific activity.

For more information about Erasmus+ and applicable rules, please contact the National Agency in your country. You may find the list of National Agencies and their contact information here.

Explore the Ukraine register

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