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EPALE - Plataforma Eletrónica para a Educação de Adultos na Europa

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Applied Filters

Not for Profit Community Radio Station and Media Training Centre
The Social Cooperative Service focuses on social and professional reintegration by allocating collected funds for various activities. It operates in the areas of: personal development, environmental prevention and economic development. It deals with the promotion of employment...
Magdalena Cisak
La Tartaruga Association is a non-profit organization established in 2011 with the desire to give children and adults, particularly those with severe disabilities, the opportunity to interact and play in a protected environment where they can stimulate and develop their sensor...
Angela Tomasso
Šiauliai County Povilas Višinskis Public Library (SAVB), the largest public library in North of Lithuania, is equally accessible to all users. The Library’s mission is to meet information and cultural needs of the population in the region, to promote the development of the kno...
ŠAVB Library
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
Escola Profissional do Infante is a private educational institution, which pursues purposes of public interest and enjoys pedagogical, administrative and financial autonomy, subject to the scientific, pedagogical and functional supervision of the Ministry of Education.Created ...
Nicole Ferreira