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EPALE - Elektroniczna platforma na rzecz uczenia się dorosłych w Europie



Chcesz nawiązać współpracę z innymi osobami z całej Europy, ale nie masz jeszcze konkretnego pomysłu?

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Podpowiedź: Dodaj jak najwięcej informacji o swojej organizacji i rodzaju prowadzonej działalności, aby innym było łatwiej ciebie znaleźć.

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Applied Filters

Restorative Justice for All (RJ4All) is an international institute with a mission to advance community cohesion and human rights locally, nationally and internationally.
Profile picture for user ngavrthe.
Zjednoczone Królestwo
United Kingdom.
Work Experience in London is the training agency of KBM Consultants and part of the KBM Group of Companies. Work Experience in London was created in 2012 with the aim of providing the following services:
Profile picture for user fatima WEIL.
Fatima Elahi
Zjednoczone Królestwo
United Kingdom.
We’re an award-winning digital solutions provider with almost two decades of industry-leading experience. We help businesses succeed through effective, usable technology by combining our expertise in user experience design, development and hosting to provide digital solutions ...
Zjednoczone Królestwo
United Kingdom.
The Ubele Initiative (Ubele) was registered in 2014 as an African Diaspora-led intergenerational social enterprise – our primary mission is to help build more sustainable communities across the UK. Ubele (taken from Swahili for ‘the future’), has developed using a bottom-up, c...
Zjednoczone Królestwo
United Kingdom.
We are a team of Spanish Language teachers at the Regents Instutute of Language and Culture (RILC) at Regent's University London. We provide language courses across the University as well as providing Evening Language Lessons to other members of the public. Regent's is a small...
Profile picture for user Paloma_luna.
Paloma Luna Gimeno
Zjednoczone Królestwo
United Kingdom.
Enso Group is an experienced non-governmental group that supports, coordinates and creates connections between European countries and organisations. We seek to enhance the Erasmus +’s aims of sharing best practice internationally in order to provide better educational opportun...