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EPALE - Elektroniczna platforma na rzecz uczenia się dorosłych w Europie


The Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool (PEMAT) and user’s Guide (US)

Profile picture for user Zoltan Varkonyi.
Zoltan Varkonyi

The Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool (PEMAT), from The Center for Disease Control (US), is a systematic method for evaluating and comparing the understandability and actionability of patient education materials. It is designed as a guide to help determine whether patients will be able to understand and act on information. Separate tools are available for use with print and audiovisual materials.

Resource Details
Autor materiału
Sarah J. Shoemaker, Pharm.D., Ph.D., Abt Associates, Inc. Michael S. Wolf, Ph.D., M.P.H., Northwestern University Cindy Brach, M.P.P., Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Typ zasobów
Otwarte zasoby edukacyjne
United States
Data publikacji
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