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Words, power and sound by Samantha Duncan (Talk about Re:vision by Roi Kwabena, a poem about issues surrounding basic skills)

Profile picture for user Zoltan Varkonyi.
Zoltan Varkonyi

Samantha Duncan, literacy tutor at City and Islington College met the poet and cultural activist, Roi Kwabena to discuss Re:vision, his poem, which was printed in NRDC's magazine reflect Issue 4 .

National Research and Development Center for adult literacy and numeracy (NRDC) commissioned Roi Kwabena, to write a poem about issues surrounding basic skills.

The resulting poem was read by Roi at the National Skills for Life conference in London.

ROI KWABENA (1956—2008) was born in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. As a cultural activist, he has lectured, performed and conducted workshops at the request of numerous governments, city councils, universities, schools, libraries and cultural bodies across the Caribbean, Europe, and Africa. A former opposition Senator in his place of birth, he was Poet Laureate of Birmingham for the period 2001-02.

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Autor materiału
Samantha Duncan
Typ zasobów
United Kingdom
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