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EPALE - Elektroniczna platforma na rzecz uczenia się dorosłych w Europie

Organisation Details

Educational Research Institute (IBE)


The Educational Research Institute (IBE) is a multidisciplinary research institution. Its main interest area is the functioning and effectiveness of different educational systems (including VET and adult education) and qualifications system in Poland. The Institute participates in national and international research projects, prepares reports, expert opinions and performs advisory functions. The Institute promotes evidence-based policy and practice, and in particular, conducts studies whose results can be used in practice and educational policy development at both the national and local levels. The Institute cooperates with central public administration and representatives of local government authorities. IBE’s partners are key institutions in the Polish education system, stakeholders from the labour market and social partners (employers’ organisations, trade unions). Its growing network of cooperation also includes schools, non-governmental organisations, universities across world, domestic and foreign research centres and international organisations.

The Institute employs over 200 education researchers (sociologists, psychologists, educators, economists, political scientists, and representatives of other disciplines) most of whom are eminent specialists in their fields with considerable professional expertise in not only research work but also teaching, public administration, market/public opinion research and NGOs.

The Institute’s specific research area includes:

-        lifelong learning and national qualifications systems

-        vocational education and training

-        the relationship between education and the labour market

-        core curriculum and the teaching methods of specific subjects

-        institutional and legal problems facing the education system and educational policy

-        large-scale assessments measuring skills of students and adults

-        quality assurance in the education system

-        economic determinants of education, educational finance, and other broad issues concerning the economics of education

-        capacity building of relevant educational institutions (including central government and schools)

-        working conditions of teachers, their professional status and competencies

-        teachers’ professional development

-        the impact of modern technologies on the functioning of people in the labour market and education

Among IBE’s staff are members of:

-        the European Commission’s EQF (European Qualifications Framework) Advisory Group

-        CareersNet - network of independent experts in lifelong career guidance and career development

-        NESET- Network of experts on the social dimension of education and training

-        National VET team

Furthermore, IBE is a member/partner in the following research networks:

-        ReferNet - network of institutions created by CEDEFOP to provide information on national vocational education and training (VET) systems and policies in the EU Member States, Iceland and Norway (IBE is the partner in Poland since 2016)

-        EBSN – European Basic Skills Network (IBE is a member since 2019)

-        IEA – International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IBE is a member since 2012)

-        KeyCoNet – European Policy Network on Key Competences in School Education (IBE is an associated member since 2013)

Organisation Details
Obszar działań/zainteresowań
Research organisation or a think-tank
Organisation specialised in learning or career guidance

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