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EPALE - Elektronisch platform voor volwasseneneducatie in Europa



Approval of Project called "TWINS", an Erasmus + KA 102, 2018, of our school, IES Eduardo Pondal of Ponteceso, in Galicia, Spain

Profile picture for user Monica Gonzalez.

Our school is very grateful to EPALE for its contribution to find partners for our project. Eventually, we can do the project thanks to the partnership with Portugal, Germany and Latvia.

Also, we would like to share the Project card with you, which we would be delighted for you to see, whose link is this,…;

For students of vocational studies is really important to practice at international companies and not only in formal backgrounds like the school, so in the Project Card you will see the key actions of our project. 

We would also be very pleased if you could give us your opinion and comments on the blog of the project, whose link is this, and which is in English and Galizian languages. 

Thank you so much indeed. 

Monica Gonzalez. Coordinator of the project. 

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