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EPALE - Elektronisch platform voor volwasseneneducatie in Europa


Seminar on Popularizing the Results and Experiences of the EDUBOT Project in Kutno, Poland: Innovative Tools for Online Mathematics Learning

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On June 12, 2024, the ADN Institute, in cooperation with the Polish Teachers' Union, Inter-Municipal Branch in Kutno, organized a seminar to disseminate the results and experiences of the "EDUBOT - Developing Key Competences Through Blended-Learning Methodology Based on AI-Supported Chatbot Technology," project, which is a cooperative partnership in school education funded by Erasmus+. The event attracted a large group of teachers, educators, and enthusiasts of modern educational technologies, providing them with the opportunity to explore and test an innovative tool for learning mathematics.

Presentation of the EDUBOT Tool

During the seminar, teachers who participated in the pilot testing of the EDUBOT platform in Poland, Mrs. Aleksandra Antoniewicz from Primary School in Nowe im. General Władysław Anders and Mr. Tomasz Marciniak from Elementary School with Kindergarten Department of the Elementarz Foundation in Jankowice, shared their experiences and demonstrated how to effectively use this innovative tool. The online platform facilitates the sharing of adaptive learning paths, tailored to the individual needs of students.

Blended E-Learning Methodology

A key element of the EDUBOT project is the blended e-learning methodology, which combines traditional teaching methods with modern digital technologies. Students can use the "Eighth-Grade Exam" course, which adapts to their individual needs on the online platform. Correct answers allow students to progress to higher levels of difficulty, while incorrect answers redirect them to lower levels, providing additional explanations in text and video formats and new tasks on the given topic.

Individualized Teaching

The EDUBOT tool emphasizes individualized teaching, enabling the effective adjustment of the pace and difficulty of the material to each student’s capabilities. This personalization significantly enhances learning effectiveness and helps students better understand and master the material.

Opinions of Seminar Participants

Participants agreed that the EDUBOT tool could revolutionize mathematics education. Teachers highlighted that the platform not only facilitates knowledge transfer but also engages and motivates students to work independently. An added benefit is the tool's easy accessibility; it is free and usable on computers and smartphones, both iPhone and Android. EDUBOT can help equalize educational opportunities for all students, regardless of their economic situation, place of residence, or background. Representatives of the Polish Teachers' Union from Kutno expressed hope that the tool would be widely adopted in schools across Poland.

Summary and Future Prospects

The seminar concluded with a discussion on the future of the EDUBOT project and its potential for further development. Participants noted that the tool could be extended to other subjects such as chemistry, physics, biology, and secondary school curricula, including the Matura exam (A-Level exam) in mathematics. There was strong interest in continuing the collaboration and implementing the tool in their schools. Teachers observed that EDUBOT has the potential to enhance the teaching of mathematics and support students, particularly those less gifted in mathematics and with fewer opportunities. They believe that learning with EDUBOT can lead to a better understanding of mathematics and improved academic outcomes.

Local Catering and Sustainable Development

The seminar featured catering from the local "Bar u Bogusi," which served dishes made from regional products. This approach promoted sustainable development and supported local food producers, highlighting the organizers’ commitment to ecological and social awareness.

Project website:

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