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EPALE - Pjattaforma Elettronika għat-Tagħlim tal-Adulti fl-Ewropa

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Organizzazzjonijiet li qegħdin ifittxu sħab fil-pajjiż tiegħi

Koordinaturi akkreditati tal-Erasmus+ li qegħdin ifittxu membri ġodda tal-konsorzju

Tista’ tagħżel diversi valuri


Tista’ tagħżel diversi valuri

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Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)

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Profile picture for user dija.
SIA DIJA Macibu centrs
|Mibgħuta fi 18 hours ilu
Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)
Cultiv is a non-for profit organization, with Erasmus accreditation since 2022. We work throughout the national territory but focused in rural interior zones (Tomar and Sertã municipalities). We have some finished projects and others under development and want to continue working on our internationalization. You can count on us as a reliable, dedicated partner with diversified staff on academic background. Please visit our website and social networks to know the projects we develop (inside and outside the Erasmus + program).
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Profile picture for user Filipe Lopes.
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
|Mibgħuta fi 6 days ilu
Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)
Oulun Seudun Omaishoitajat ry (registered society) helps and gives guidance to informal carers and those who take care of their loved ones regardless of their age or circumstances. We are looking for a partner to share good practices and learn from each other in Erasmus+ KA210 small-scale partnership project related to informal carers.
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Kati Jauhiainen
|Mibgħuta fi 2 weeks ilu
Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)
We are preparing a k210 project for children aged 4-6 from broken families to apply in September 2024. We are looking for three partners. We are looking for a school which is innovative, experienced in engaging students in lessons through art activites and has good practice methods. Institutions working in the field of school education and institutions operating in other sectors can apply. Please don't forget to tell us about the good learning practies your institution has developed so for the children from broken families. Please send PIF to
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Nesrin uçar
|Mibgħuta fi 2 weeks ilu