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EPALE - Pjattaforma Elettronika għat-Tagħlim tal-Adulti fl-Ewropa

Tiftix ta’ Msieħba

Illimita r-riżultati tiegħek

Organizzazzjonijiet li qegħdin ifittxu sħab fil-pajjiż tiegħi

Koordinaturi akkreditati tal-Erasmus+ li qegħdin ifittxu membri ġodda tal-konsorzju


Tista’ tagħżel diversi valuri

Parti minn organizzazzjoni?

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Qed tfittex imsieħba?

Aħna qegħdin hawn biex ngħinuk! Ikklikkja l-link t’hawn taħt u ibda fittex għall-imsieħba!

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Sib l-aħħar informazzjoni dwar kif l-UE tippromwovi l-politika tat-tagħlim għall-adulti

Applied Filters

Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
As a public body that collaborates with various groups including children, elderly, women, and youth, if you are looking for partners for your Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2 activities projects, you can contact us.
Mibdija minn
Hilal Gürpınar
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
|Mibgħuta fi 3 days ilu
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
We are a foundation from Warsaw running many artistic and developmental workshops. We are the market leader in theatre, singing and writing workshops. Our mission is to train, educate and develop artistic skills of young adults. We are also experts in marketing, website creation and dissemination. If you have a project related to art, culture, community develompent, give us a message! Let us make a difference together :)
Mibdija minn
Michaela Kucharska
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
|Mibgħuta fi 1 week ilu
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
Looking for Partners in cooperation projects between organizations and institutions (KA2)
Mibdija minn
Noelia Riobo
|Mibgħuta fi 1 week ilu
Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)

As Akhisar District Directorate of National Education, we would like to participate in an Erasmus+ project in which a European country is the coordinato

Mibdija minn
Gamze Türedi
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
|Mibgħuta fi 3 weeks ilu
Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)
Swan Training Institute Dublin is looking for international educational partners.
Mibdija minn
Profile picture for user n00ejiqe.
Dermot McSharry
|Mibgħuta fi 3 weeks ilu