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EPALE - Pjattaforma Elettronika għat-Tagħlim tal-Adulti fl-Ewropa



Tixtieq tikkollabora ma’ oħrajn minn madwar l-Ewropa iżda għad m’għandekx idea preċiża?

Żid l-organizzazzjoni tiegħek

Żid l-organizzazzjoni tiegħek fit-Tiftixa ta’ Sħab ta’ EPALE sabiex tkabbar il-profil tiegħek u tgħarraf lill-oħrajn li qed tipprova tidħol f’kooperazzjoni pan-Ewropea.

Parir utli: Żid kemm tiflaħ informazzjoni dwar l-organizzazzjoni tiegħek u t-tip ta’ attivitajiet li int involut(a) fihom sabiex tgħin lill-oħrajn isibuk.

Parti minn organizzazzjoni?

Billi tirreġistra l-organizzazzjoni tiegħek fuq EPALE, int se tkun tista' tagħmel aħbar ta' tfittxija għal sħab.

Sib l-aħħar informazzjoni dwar kif l-UE tippromwovi l-politika tat-tagħlim għall-adulti

Applied Filters

Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU), founded in 2003, is an accredited private higher education institution, famous for its innovative approach to studies and research, promotion of entrepreneurship and creativity, and orientation towards a successful career. ...
Reda Juodkūnienė
The French Red Cross Training Institute (Croix-Rouge Compétence) in Occitanie offers a range of courses in the health and social sectors at different levels of education : higher education (nurses, social service assistants), vocational education (nursing assistants, childcare...
Bureau des Relations Internationales
Akademie der OETHG is the pre-eminent VET provider for the event, media, and theatre sectors in Austria. It was founded in 2005 as a subsidiary of the OETHG to teach and exchange sectorial knowledge and experience, providing first-level education, additional qualifications and...
Profile picture for user AK_OETHG.
Larry Busch
The Institute of Child Education and Psychology (ICEP) Europe is an independent education and research institute specialising in flexible, blended and online quality continuing professional development (CPD) and higher education programmes for learners with a professional or p...