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EPALE - Pjattaforma Elettronika għat-Tagħlim tal-Adulti fl-Ewropa



Tixtieq tikkollabora ma’ oħrajn minn madwar l-Ewropa iżda għad m’għandekx idea preċiża?

Żid l-organizzazzjoni tiegħek

Żid l-organizzazzjoni tiegħek fit-Tiftixa ta’ Sħab ta’ EPALE sabiex tkabbar il-profil tiegħek u tgħarraf lill-oħrajn li qed tipprova tidħol f’kooperazzjoni pan-Ewropea.

Parir utli: Żid kemm tiflaħ informazzjoni dwar l-organizzazzjoni tiegħek u t-tip ta’ attivitajiet li int involut(a) fihom sabiex tgħin lill-oħrajn isibuk.

Parti minn organizzazzjoni?

Billi tirreġistra l-organizzazzjoni tiegħek fuq EPALE, int se tkun tista' tagħmel aħbar ta' tfittxija għal sħab.

Sib l-aħħar informazzjoni dwar kif l-UE tippromwovi l-politika tat-tagħlim għall-adulti

Applied Filters

  • Area of activities / interests Other
Associazione Artistica Culturale “A Rocca” is an NGO based in the Northern part of Sicily in the Province of Messina (Sicily), is a very active non-profit organization created in 2007. Along its international department EProjectConsult and BrainUp Lab, “A Rocca ” has successfu...
The French Red Cross Training Institute (Croix-Rouge Compétence) in Occitanie offers a range of courses in the health and social sectors at different levels of education : higher education (nurses, social service assistants), vocational education (nursing assistants, childcare...
Bureau des Relations Internationales
A community-led Local Development Company covering East Limerick and North Cork.
Maura Quane
La Asociación Los Mayores Valores de Santa Cruz de Tenerife es una entidad educativa y sociosanitaria fundada en 2012 que tiene como objetivo integrar a las personas mayores en la sociedad mediante el intercambio de su conocimiento y experiencia con los jóvenes. Además, busca ...
amaia Lauzurica
Ir-Repubblika Ċeka
Czech Republic.
Aignos is a Czech nonprofit organization that has been organizing educational activities about artificial intelligence since 2021. We have conducted hundreds of interactive workshops in elementary and high schools across the Czech Republic, as well as dozens of popularization ...
Anna Štádlerová