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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

A Rocca


A Rocca acquired at international level, a strong experience as:

  1.  Sending, hosting and intermediary partner, cooperating with hundreds of EU organizations in the frame of the former Life Long Learning Program, the so-called Erasmus+ Program. Under these programs the organization has been involved and coordinating many projects, hosting interns and professionals in the frame of VET and HE mobilities programs. 
  2.  Coordinating training courses in the frame of several programs such as Youth in Action Program, Transfer of Innovation (TOI), Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2 through its training course center BrainUpLab and using as main methodology, a non-formal or informal approach and involving a great network of international trainers and local technical and vocational schools. 
  3.  Dealing with the implementation of EU Projects with specific focus on the following sectors: 
  4. lifelong learning education
  5. mobility of learners
  6. VET education
  7. training and culture 
  8. youth work and volunteering 
  9. entrepreneurship and unemployment. 
  10.  Cooperating with “EProjectConsult – Istituto Europeo di Formazione e ricerca” as well as with “Jalari” NGO.
  11.  Organizing European cultural events linked to art, culture, short movies festival & cinema, street art festivals, exhibitions (e.g. Espressivamente festival).

The collaborations with a large network of partners at regional and international level ensures the full implementation and success of the project through a close follow up during all stages so that the target involved can have an optimal experience and the impact is multiplied. 

“A Rocca” is committed to foster the mutual understanding among diverse cultures and to increase youth’s international and employment opportunities, improving transversal skills and intercultural competences.  

“A Rocca”, with its cultural and educational activities, aims to develop European culture knowledge, citizenship awareness, art as a communication tool useful for talking about tolerance, nondiscrimination, and equal opportunity.

Organisation Details
Area of activities / interests
Adult education provider
Research organisation or a think-tank
Media organisation specialised in adult education
Organisation ID (OID)
Valid organisation
Organisation's contact email address

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