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EPALE - Pjattaforma Elettronika għat-Tagħlim tal-Adulti fl-Ewropa

Organisation Details



The EOI Madrid-Jesús Maestro is a publicly-funded institution for language learning. Established in 1911, it is the flagship of Spain’s national network of language schools catering for adult education. A total of 21 languages are taught, including all major European languages, Spanish for foreign speakers and other Spanish languages, and Arabic, Chinese and Japanese. There are 120 teachers and 19 other members of staff who serve an annual enrollment of over 7000 students spread in the 16 to 60+ age range and comprised of more than 50 nationalities. The school is located northeast of town, in a thrilling neighbourhood in close proximity to both downtown Madrid and the University campuses. 


Organisation Details
Qasam tal-attivitajiet / interessi
Adult education provider

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