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EPALE - Pjattaforma Elettronika għat-Tagħlim tal-Adulti fl-Ewropa

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The Influence of Social Networks on Environmental Awareness and the Social Responsibility of Generations

İhsan Çağatay Ulus
Community Hero (Gold Member).

"With the advent of globalization and access to information, social networks came to be widely used by different generations. However, environmental issues have been causing global impacts, as well as issues of social vulnerability. Environmental awareness awakens new consumption habits, implementing a new socially responsible posture. This study aims to analyze the influence of social networks on environmental awareness and the social responsibility of Baby Boomers, Generations X, and Y, in the regions of South and Southeast Brazil. We use the methodology of quantitative and descriptive research, by means of the Structural Equation Modeling. The results highlight that individuals who are exposed to information (videos, photos, texts) related to social responsibility and environmental sustainability are positively influenced in the formation of social and environmental awareness. However, generation Y presented the lowest means of responses in the search for information on environmental and social issues. This is relevant to society, teaching institutions, government agencies, as well as companies, in order to promote actions and information on social and environmental responsibility, in order to engage Generation Y in sustainable development".

(From the abstract)

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Awtur tar-Riżorsi
Eliana Andréa Severo
Ittajpja r-Riżorsa
Data tal-Pubblikazzjoni
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