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EPALE - Pjattaforma Elettronika għat-Tagħlim tal-Adulti fl-Ewropa

Event Details

19 Mar

The Resilience of Students with an Immigrant Background

Avveniment Remot
Profile picture for user naloseva.

The Resilience of Students with an Immigrant Background
Factors that Shape Well-being

Migration flows are profoundly changing the composition of classrooms. Results from the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) reveal that in 2015, almost one in four 15-year-old students in OECD countries reported that they were either foreign-born or had at least one foreign-born parent. Between 2003 and 2015, the share of students who had either migrated or who had a parent who had migrated across international borders grew by six percentage points, on average across OECD countries.

Francesca Borgonovi, Senior Analyst will present the OECD’s latest findings on some of the difficulties students with an immigrant background encounter in education, as well as the role that education systems, schools and teachers can play in helping these students integrate into their communities, overcome adversity, and build their academic, social, emotional and motivational resilience.

Event Details
As planned
Tip ta' avveniment
Avveniment ta’ Żvilupp Professjonali
It-tip ta' organizzatur
Avveniment ieħor
Organiser name
Dettalji ta' kuntatt
Numru ta' delegati
100 - 200
Grupp fil-mira
Akkademiċi, studenti, riċerkaturi fl-andragoġija
Proġetti u sħubiji
Ħlas mitlub għall-attendenza

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L-aħħar diskussjonijiet

Profile picture for user tom.borg.
Tom Borg

EPALE 2021 Thematic Focuses. Let's start!

We invite you to enrich what is set to be an intense year ahead with your contributions and expertise! Let's start by taking parto in this online discussion. The online discussion will take place Tuesday 9 March 2021 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. CET. The written discussion will be introduced by a livestream with an introduction to the 2021 Thematic Focuses, and will be hosted by Gina Ebner and Aleksandra Kozyra of the EAEA on the behalf of the EPALE Editorial Board.

Profile picture for user Mahira.
Mahira Spiteri

Diskussjoni ta’ EPALE: Il-forniment ta’ tagħlim ta’ ħiliet bażiċi

Il-ħiliet bażiċi huma trasversali. Dawn mhumiex rilevanti biss għall-politika edukattiva, iżda huma rilevanti wkoll għall-politiki tal-impjiegi, tas-saħħa, soċjali u ambjentali. Il-bini ta’ miżuri ta’ politika koeżivi li jappoġġjaw lill-persuni bi ħtiġijiet bażiċi ta’ ħiliet huwa meħtieġ mhux biss biex il-Perkorsi ta’ Titjib tal-Ħiliet ikunu suċċess, iżda wkoll biex jgħinu fil-bini ta’ soċjetajiet aktar reżiljenti u inklużivi. Id-diskussjoni online se ssir f’din il-paġna fis-16/17 ta’ Settembru bejn l-10:00 u s-16:00 CET u se tkun immoderata mill-Koordinaturi Tematiċi ta’ EPALE tal-EBSN
