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EPALE - Elektronska platforma za obrazovanje odraslih u Evropi



EPALE links: courses, learning material and funding for refugees

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Barbara HILLER


Deutschkurs für Flüchtlinge.
The demand for language courses is enourmos. In Germany, newly arrived refugees have to wait for a place in one of the government funded so called integration courses. Before, the administration has to decide about the status of their residence permit. This may take several months or even more than a year.
In the Netherlands, the situation is similar (see EPALE blog: Dutch language learning toolkit for volunteers and refugees).



In order to provide refugees with language training during this waiting time, adult education centres are  developing flexible course structures according to funding opportunities (see EPALE blog Adult education centers are highly sought after, EN, DE). Volunteer initiatives are very active in this field as well.

Funding mechanisms are different according to the administrative structures at local, regional and national level. The Robert Bosch Foundation's study Sprachvermittlung und Spracherwerb für Flüchtlinge: Praxis und Potenziale außerschulischer Angebote ("Language training and language learning for refugees: practical experience of extracurricular activities") highlights examples of innovative approaches from adult education centers for implementing refugee language courses.

All in all, there are many aspects to be taken into account when planning a language course for refugees. On this page, we provide further information to:

(click to jump to topic)

Developing language courses for refugees - background studies

Funding of learning opportunities

Learning material for German language courses

Qualifying volunteers

Europe: EPALE resources




National (German)

Individual donors

Summary and listings

Regional (German) 

  • Funding of German courses in the Land Bavaria by "lagfa" (DE)
    The lagfa (Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Freiwilligen Agenturen/Freiwilligen-Zentren/Koordinierungszentren Bürgerschaftliches Engagement in Bayern e.V) gives a lump sum (500 €) for language courses that are held by volunteers.






Great Britain





Barbara Hiller has a Bachelor of Honours in Agricultural Engineering, and after several years of professional experience she finished her Master of Arts in Education at the Open University (UK). Her focus is on science learning. She is member of  the German EPALE team.


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Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

bitte nehmen Sie auch unsere Seite mit kostenlosen, creditfähigen Online-Studienkursen sowie mit einem ebenfalls kostenlosen Online-Aussprachetraining für arabische Deutschlerner mit in die Bildungsangebote auf.

Danke und freundliche Grüße
Linda Wulff
Fachhochschule Lübeck
Telefon +49 451 160818-26

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This is a very thoroughly put-together list, thank you for uploading it here.

Remember next week EPALE is hosting Migrant Education Week 25-29 April (/node/20789).

There will be 3 LIVE discussions taking place on Tue 26th, Wed 27th and Thu 28th April (Experiences, Challenges and Solutions). Join in the discussions and share on social media with the hashtag #epale2016.

To get an email alert as the live discussions start, go to the EPALE Soonfeed and click "Join" for each discussion: /blog/epale-soonfeed.

See you online next week!


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