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EPALE - Eiropas pieaugušo mācīšanās elektroniskā platforma

Event Details

29 Jūn

"European Blended Learning and HDR-Photography" - Participate in an International Online-Seminar (Webinar)

Attālinātais pasākums

The cross-sectoral ERASMUS+ Project "European Blended Learning and HDR-Photography" or "Vir2Cope-Project" is delivering an example of best practice in the field of transnational Blended Learning with the inclusion of realtime online seminars as a special form of E-Learning in combination with a Training activity. Realtime online seminars are called also webinars. Although the webinars could be used in all education sectors for seminars, lectures, communication of groups, they are still not very common in Europe. There is a lack of online-trainers, who are able to conduct webinars and there are no guidelines for the pedagogy of webinars, increasing the attractiveness and efficiency of such learning activities. Additionally many learners, including disadvantaged persons,  cannot estimate how useful and efficient webinars are and how easy it is to participate without the need of  high digital skills.

In the year 2015 the project partners of the Vir2Cope-Project conduct a sequence of transnational webinars. Six different education providers from six countries show how to cooperate efficiently with online-seminars. They invite guests in order to show, how easy it is to participate and how efficient and exciting an international webinar could be.

If you are interested to participate in the webinar, please send us an Email. ( You'll get informations about the access and login to the Virtual Classroom. The capacity of the classroom is about 100 persons.

The topic of learning and cooperation is "HDR-Photography". This highly efficient technique is a rather new technique in photography. Already penetrating the imaging world, it is still discussed very controverse, the technique is not mature and the people are still not aware about the huge potential this technique provides. It can be used very efficiently in many different fields. In the webinar on 29th of June the Online-Trainer will be from Hungary. He will inform about HDR-image processing with freeware.


Event Details
As planned
Pasākuma veids
Profesionālās pilnveides pasākums
ES projekta Nr.
K2 - 2014-1-DE02-KA200-001612
Organiser name
European Photoacademy ArtWebDesign (GER, coordinator)
University of Pannonia (Hungary, Online Trainer)
Acquamarina (Italy)
ETIC (Portugal)
Telephone 0049 7222 59 50 354
Pārstāvju skaits
< 100
It is the aim of the project to deliver an example of "European Blended Learning" with the inclusion of Realtime Online Seminars (Webinars). The project shall show the potential and efficiency of webinars in the huge field of learning and management.
Sagaidāmais apmācības rezultāts
The material results of the project are an essay about online pedagogy of transnational webinars and blended learning . Complementary information will be provided by a film that shows the conduction of a pedagogical well structured webinar . The film is available on Youtube. An E-Book about the state of the art in HDR-Photography with practical informations for applicants and for newcomers, experiences and new ways of usage is worked out. All outputs are available as OER (Open Educational Resource), the essay is translated in 6 different languages and will be published online and in printed journals.
Dalības maksa


We would like to invite guests to our international webinars about HDR-Photography. On 29th. of June our Online-Trainer will conduct a webinar about HDR-Image Processing with Freeware. Six cross-sectoral education providers from six countries organize the webinars. If you want participate, please send us an email for further informations:
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Elīna Krasta
Community Hero (Gold Member).

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Oksana Soročina

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