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Rising - A Mentoring Project to Raise Motivated Migrants

Integrating the motivational benefits of mentoring into the training and educational curriculum offered to migrants.

Elena Patlagica
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).


The ever-increasing phenomenon of human immigration was posing new challenges to host societies all around Europe. According to Eurostat, in 2016, 2 million non-EU citizens immigrated to the EU and EU Member States granted citizenship to almost 1 million people.

The Rising solution

Most migrants generally need to develop a new set of skills to adapt and enhance their life and wellbeing in the hosting country. In most cases, providing training courses to migrants, by teaching local languages and offering vocational training is the most implemented measure. Nonetheless, migrants often struggle to capitalize the benefits of the educational and training paths they are involved in. In our opinion, the main causes for this lack of commitment are the condition of trauma that often affects them and their difficulty in understanding the new socio-cultural setting.

To help address those challenges, the RISING initiative focused on integrating the motivational benefits of mentoring into the training and educational curriculum offered to migrants. RISING mission was to provide a set of tools, complimentary to projects already being carried out, to help mentors fulfilling their roles and to provide additional support for mentoring providers.

The Rising resources

To achieve its goals, the Rising partnership designed and created the following resources:

One Handbook on mentoring for social and cultural integration of migrants

One Booklet with the success stories of migrants

A set of interactive tools for mentees' uptake to help them better understand the mentoring process

One toolkit for mentoring impact

To learn more about RISING and its resources visit the project website on:

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