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Mentorship support in development and implementation of individual advocacy activities of CSOs

Community Collaborator (Silver Member).


Mentoring in the workplace is a relationship in which more experienced colleague uses his/her greater knowledge and understanding of the work to support the development of a junior or inexperienced colleagues. Mentoring is a method for structural support in building capacities according previously defined development needs. Mentoring involves the use of models and skills of questioning, listening, clarifying and reframing. Organizations are realizing the many benefits of developing through mentoring programs. Mentoring is an incredibly powerful tool for CSOs who want to learn and grow.  

Within the project “Legal, Advocacy and Sustainability Support to Local CSOs”, mentorship support and and tailored training in advocacy were provided for 30 CSOs. The involved CSOs increased the capacity for research based advocacy on local, national and EU level. The CSOs’ staff l enhanced its knowledge on how to design, structure and implement advocacy plan for realization of the CSOs’ objectives and priorities and upon the mechanisms established with law to influence policy. Additionally, the personal skills of the key CSOs staff such as writing clearly & persuasively, negotiating, influencing and their research skills are increased. The action support the development of 30 plans for advocacy activities on topics related to the local CSOs’ constituencies and communities.

Tailored mentorship support in development and implementation of individual advocacy plan was provided. The CSOs’ have different areas of work and priorities, utilizing different approaches, addressing the need of different target groups and constituencies and therefore sustainable improvement in their advocacy activities is only possible through tailored support that will address their specific needs. For each of the CSOs’ participating in program, individual mentor was appointed. One mentor covered 3-5 CSOs. The mentor tasks includes:

  1. Develop tailored curriculum and program for advocacy training based upon the needs assessment conducting in the selection phase of the program;
  2. Conduct two day On-the-Job training for the management and the key staff of the CSO;
  3. Conduct and facilitate one participating one workshop with the management and the key staff of the CSO for identification of issue for which the intent to advocate about;
  4. Direct support to the CSO in development and the drafting of the advocacy plan[1];
  5. Conduct one session for presentation & finalization of the advocacy plan;
  6. Support the CSO in implementation of the advocacy plan.   


This activity resulted with 30 developed advocacy plans that are addressing the needs of the constituents of the local CSO.  

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