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Irish Funding Available: Energy for Generations Fund

ESB (an Irish energy company) has made an 'Energy for Generations Fund' available to help address some of the key social issues facing Ireland today. 'Education Access and Support' is one of the fund's three main pillars of focus, alongside the issues of suicide and homelessness. 


ESB's Energy for Generations Fund sees over €2m per year disbursed across a range of community and issues-based initiatives. Each year the Fund awards €1m in direct funding through a quarterly fund to charities.  ESB has been supporting initiatives in the areas of suicide prevention and homelessness since 2005. The Energy for Generations Fund introduced a new focus on education in 2014, which recognises the need for educational supports at all levels to ensure that Ireland has the skills it needs to compete effectively in the future. The remainder is allocated across a range of initiatives including support for ElectricAid, wind farm community funds, fuel poverty programmes and support for staff volunteering. 

The guideline application amount is circa €10,000. This is neither a minimum nor a maximum, rather an indication of the scale of the resources available.  Average funding awards in recent years have been circa €6-7,000. 


Eligibility details

Among the invited proposals are 'Adult education return-to-education programmes aimed at those long-term out of work'. 

Funding is not awarded to / for:

  • Individuals and individual fundraisers
  • Administrative or operating costs
  • Salary expenses
  • Third party fundraising (e.g. fundraising events)
  • High risk ventures
  • Retrospective funding
  • Community counselling services
  • Overseas work
  • Single school applications and school completion projects

Funding must be used exclusively for the purpose of implementing the project as stated in the application form. 

Aim of the Energy for Generations Fund

ESB's aim with the Energy for Generations Fund is "to maximise the impact of our investment by taking a more strategic approach to effect change. Funding is only part of the jigsaw – we also want to leverage the skills and knowledge we have within the company to bring about more sustainable and positive outcomes". 


2019's Application dates 

Q1 - 22nd March 
Q2 - 14th June 
Q3 - 6th September 
Q4 - 8th November


Further details

For further details and an application form please visit ESB’s website.

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