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EPALE - Piattaforma elettronica per l'Apprendimento permanente in Europa



Training objectives

"In your professional context, what is the major challenge to be faced in terms of vocational training?" This was the question that thematic expert Roseline Le Squère asked various people she met during the Winter University of Vocational Training. They included union representatives, regional stakeholders, security officers, journalists, or even merchant; here are their replies.
Profile picture for user Roseline Le Squere.
Roseline Le Squère
Community Hero (Gold Member).


"In your professional context, what is the major challenge to be faced in terms of vocational training?" This was the question that thematic expert Roseline Le Squère asked various people she met during the Winter University of Vocational Training. They included union representatives, regional stakeholders, security officers, journalists, or even merchant; here are their replies.

Between 31 January and 2 February 2018, the Winter University for Vocational Training (UHFP) was held in Biarritz. Around 900 people gathered to discuss the challenges of innovations in vocational training. A perfect place for discussion, and conducive to the development of networks, where professionals from all levels (employment, careers advice, training, OPCA, companies, trade unions, without drawing up an exhaustive list), all agreed to answer my question:

In your professional context, what is the major challenge to be faced in terms of vocational training?

I did not use scientific methods to examine those to whom I spoke; I recorded our meetings, which were sometimes simply spontaneous contacts. I tried to locate people who were representative of the diversity of stakeholders registered for this UHFP 2018 session.

Here follow some comments:

"Make the training journey pleasant! There has to be pleasure in undertaking training. Let's add innovations to this journey through time to its destination, by making the journey as good as possible, and the destination enticing. "

Gabriel Danino, AFPA

"Innovation can only be found in the methods. It's a stake within society. "

Sophie Margolle, FAFIEC

"Training must be useful to society. It is a movement in progress. In the bank and insurance sector, careers are transforming themselves. Training must also transform itself".

Marc Picquette, OPCABAIA Managing Director

"There must be accountability in multi-modality. I am not in favour of everything becoming digital. Distance training must, however, open up to vocational training, but by exploiting its multi-modality.

Thierry Cormier, Fongecif (Fund for the Management of Individual Training Leave) Brittany

"The challenge is to innovate in the support process, in the preparation of courses. In a career path made up of transitions, we have to put modularity into the support. The challenge is also to work better as a network of professionals, across the regions".

Stéphane Giboudaud, Fongecif AURA

"Trainees should get more benefit from Erasmus+ mobilities in their career paths. The challenge is to succeed in removing difficulties according to the types of contracts, so that mobilities can be set up. It's a cultural issue at the time of short Infrabac mobilities. The challenge is to supervise them better ".

Françoise Havelette, Normandy Region, Training Manager

"We need a more educational approach. We should work with VSB directors, who represent a lever of competitiveness. We are dealing with three major challenges: the digital transition, the green transition and international development. Vocational training can be a lever for success in these transitions".

A MEDEF (Movement of the Enterprises of France) colleague

"The challenge lies in how to use the tools, and in the educational content which is going to be put in place by the fact of using digital tools. If these have to be used widely, it gets complicated.

Laurent Da Alto, Mimbus founder and director

"We must create synergy between all the tools available (pedagogical, systemic, etc). And we have to manage its implementation. There may be different implementations for the publics who expect different music, knowing about change, and can adapt the tempo".

Laurence Ricq, Vice-President of the University of Franche-Comté

Different points of view converge on the need to work on the process. Innovations must be considered globally. That said, let us not forget that throughout this event, a large number of people have worked to enable the successful operation of our talks, our discussions and our projects in the field of vocational training. These kingpins, the people responsible for our reception, meals, communications (photos, public relations), journalism and security (as well as the neighbouring businesses) have all worked without our being aware, in real time, of how our talks would impact on the daily lives of these professionals. To give them a voice, I carried out this same work of interviews in the course of meetings, with the aim of encountering a variety of professionals and professions.  

"The challenge is to reform the system effectively. Open training up to everyone, especially in access to the PTA (particularly for jobseekers), and give them support to mobilise their rights. The trade of journalism is evolving: they must learn how to handle digital technology. This is a skill which will allow them to change their careers; it is increasingly indispensable background knowledge."

Comments from a journalist who wished to remain anonymous

"I expect that throughout my life, my career path, I could take a variety of training courses, not just in my branch. I'm aware that we talk a lot about professional skills. But there are also all the other skills, which come from what we have learned in other places; they can contribute to our careers, and they too are very important."

Anna, hospitality trainee

"In our profession of event catering, jobs in this sector are clearly lacking, upstream. People are trained in hotels and restaurants but not nearly enough in special event management. In an event like UHFP, when there are 800 covers at each meal, over several days - there is no real training channel for that. I took on about 50 people for three days, for this event.  The innovation which needs to be set up concerns the development of these sectors. Very few vocational diplomas take it into account.  Internally, it's possible, and there are training courses; the principle of being taught is very important. We are part of a network of French caterers which includes 38 affiliated independents. At this level, it's possible to run training courses. There are exchanges between regions,  and digital technology is used at every level. In our sector, we talk about the Head Lab. There is also a European association for everyone involved in catering: EPACS. We discuss a lot of subjects: the carbon footprint, food waste, and so on. Here, at the Biarritz UHFP, we are very sensitive to this. We use the Ecosphère app, which allows you to redistribute goods quickly. It's rewarding for everyone involved in the event."

Patrick Serres, Director of Jardins et Saveurs, Biarritz

"We are very much affected by the new direction of vocational training. We are awaiting more information. Everything suggests that continuous training will disappear, giving way to apprenticeships. There must be vocational training within national education. Self-training is being suggested. There is a real challenge here."

Madam Martin, teacher at the Paul Bert Training College in Bayonne, supports her students taking professional training in the hospitality and customer relationships industries (having managed the UHFP's reception duties).

"I'm a shop-keeper. I have a VSB with just 6 employees. It's great to see big events taking place in Biarritz. This allows us to keep our businesses running out of season as well. There's also the development of our activities through the internet. We sell on-line through our website. This has completely changed our business practices. It helps develop my business, and my skills. But how can I get away for training courses? Nobody ever offers me anything. How can I access the information? For VSBs, there has to be a different sort of support."

Stéphanie Bodinier shop manager at boobijoux, Biarritz

"In security, what we lack is information and training on the new tools. Here at the UHFP, you can show me your registration on your mobile phone. We're not always used to these new tools".

Étienne, security staff member

"I'm an independent, I don't work with a network of other photographers. Training for me is far, far away!  I train myself on the equipment I use. What I miss the most is the reminder of my rights as an independent".

Independent, photo studio arranged for the UHFP

"What I lack the most is time. It's easy to suggest that we get training, but this is linked to the 'boss' culture. It's not always easy to arrange it for ourselves".

Laura, catering staff member

We will see that these remarks have been practical, although of course they are more targeted towards specific situations. These examples show how all the stakeholders must be part of the debates. Solutions thought up, or found, without taking the worker on the ground into account are not tenable. I mention the training culture as a crucial axis of dialogue, and of pedagogy. Continuing to talk, to encourage and to support self-training is one way of developing skills. But there must also be the desire, the motivation - a real perception of the value of taking a training course. Digital technology has been very much discussed by the professionals interviewed. They are all looking for more contact. Self-training using digital technology poses questions, and seems to relate to only some types of trade. This vision from ground level is very interesting to understand where it's played out; where vocational training is being transformed through the proper use of digital tools.

(I should explain that when I do not mention the names or identity of those who responded to my questions, it is at the request of the informants. I give the full name and job title of the person interviewed only where they have given me their consent).


This article was written by Roseline Le Squère , EPALE theme expert and administrator at the Dupuy de Lôme Research Institute, specialist in adult training and the relationships between education, training, employment and the economy.





Translation (French - English) : EPALE France


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Thierry Ardouin
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
Gio, 02/22/2018 - 14:04

Bravo et Merci à Roselyne pour ce regard éclectique qui nous montre la diversité des attentes et des besoins en formation d'une part, et la nécessaire prise en compte des mondes professionnels dans leur diversité et spécificité. C'est une "évidence" qui est importante à rappeler.

Et oui, cette université d'hiver de la formation professionnelle à Biarritz a été un beau moment de partage, d'échanges et de travail
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