Accessibility statement for the mobile application
This satement applies to content published on:
- Apple store:
- Google play:
This app is managed by the EUROPEAN EDUCATION AND CULTURE EXECUTIVE AGENCY (EACEA). It is designed to be used by as many people as possible, including people with disabilities.
You should be able to:
- Use swipe gestures to navigate through the app
- Scale the text to your needs, based on your device settings
- Access hyperlinks
- Have proper colour contrast
- Read and use the contet at your own pace
- Navigate from any page usin the on-screen navigation bar
This app is designed to comply with the technical standard for websites and mobile apps, EN 301 549, v.3.2.1. This closely follows level ‘AA’ of the Mobile Accessibility at W3C.
Compliance status
This app is partially compliant with technical standard EN 301 549 v.3.2.1 and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA. See ‘Mobile Accessibility at W3C for more details.
The app was last tested on 01.02.2024.
Preparation of this statement
This statement was reviewed on 06.03.2024.
The statement was completed after performing accessibility testing using Accessibility Inspector for iOS and Accessibility Scanner for Android.
We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of the EPALE app. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers:
- E-mail:
- Feedbak from in app: My Dashboard -> Learn More -> Help
We try to respond to feedback within 15 business days from the date of receipt of the enquiry by the responsible Commission department.
Compatibility with browsers and assistive technology
The EPALE app is designed to be compatible with the following technologies:
- the latest version of iOS and Android, starting with iOS 12 and Android 10
Technical specifications
The accessibility of the EPALE app relies on the following technologies to work with the particular combination of mobile operating system and any assistive technologies or plugins installed on your mobile device:
- Flutter
- Android native
- iOS native
- Firebase services
Non-accessible content
Despite our best efforts to ensure accessibility of the EPALE app, we are aware of some limitations, which we are working to fix. Below is a description of known limitations and potential solutions. Please contact us if you encounter an issue not listed below.
Known limitations for the EPALE app:
On some pages widget elements do not have labels
On some pages Heading levles are not nested by rank
Some pages do not contain a level-one heading
On some pages the elements do not have sufficient colour contrast
On some pages the ID attribtute value is not unique
On some pages we do not have text alternatives for non-text content
On same pages the font size may be too small
On same pages touch targets may be too small