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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Forgotten traditional games that were on the brink of being lost.

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Community Hero (Gold Member).


Forgotten traditional games are being remembered again by adults. Games that were played in childhood and forgotten were brought back into the spotlight by the Drama students of Niğde Public Education Center. Adults who went back to their childhood years with these games stated that they felt the same joy and happiness they felt in their childhood. Among the games played were "Yağ Satarım, Bal Satarım" (I Sell Oil, I Sell Honey), "7 Kiremit" (7 Tiles), "Ateş-Don Oyunu" (Fire-Don't Game), "Kutu Kutu Pense" (Box Box Pencil), "Deve Cüce" (Camel Dwarf), "El El Üstünde Kimin Eli Var?" (Whose Hand Is on Top?), "Sarı Ördek" (Yellow Duck), "İstop" (Stop), "Yakan Top" (Burning Ball), "Sıcak-Soğuk" (Hot-Cold), "Dokuz Taş" (Nine Stones), "Sek Sek" (Hopscotch), "Topaç Çevirme" (Spinning Top), "Çuval Yarışı" (Sack Race), "Halat Çekme" (Tug of War), and "körebe" (Blind Man's Buff).

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