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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Get ready for the next EPALE discussion on financial literacy in times of crisis

Profile picture for user Christin Cieslak.
Christin CIESLAK

Online discussion Financial literacy

On Thursday 27 September from 10 am to 4 pm CEST, EPALE will be hosting an online discussion on financial literacy in times of crisis.

We will kick off at 10 am CEST with a live-streamed exchange between experts and will continue the conversation with EPALE users in a written discussion in the comments section until 4 pm CEST. 

The discussion will host Calvin Lees from L&W InstituteKatarzyna Hanula from Microfinance Centre (MFC)Beate Bowien-Jansen of Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung, and will be moderated by Gina Ebner, Secretary-General of EAEA, and Christin Cieslak, Head of Programmes and Stakeholder Engagement at EAEA.

What we will discuss about

The discussion will shed light on the current financial landscape and the challenges individuals and communities encounter during periods of economic turmoilWe will delve into financial policies and practices, analysing their effects on society and shared values.

During our discussion, we will also assess the role of the European Union in addressing financial challenges and fostering financial literacy. Real-life examples will provide valuable insights into how communities have successfully navigated financial difficulties in the past.

Exploring the significance of financial literacy in times of crisis, and how it empowers individuals and communities to make informed financial decisions, we will share experiences, discuss challenges, and develop strategies to build financial resilience for a more secure future.

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