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EPALE - A felnőttkori tanulás elektronikus európai platformja


EPALE Launch Professional Development event during The Directorate for Research, Lifelong Learning and Employability Learning Week 2022

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Natasha Fabri

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The Directorate for Research, Lifelong Learning and Employability and the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation in Malta, had the pleasure of holding a series of Lifelong Learning Course Tasters and events as part of the Learning Week 2022, to mark the launch of Lifelong Learning Courses for 2022-2023 as well as launch the new EPALE cycle 2022-2024.


These events took place at our Msida Centre, Qrejten Street, Msida MSD 1252 (Corner with Junior College) on the 14th, 18th, and 20th July. More info here. Throughout the three days, prospective learners were able to participate in interactive sessions showcasing various courses offered by the Directorate.


EPALE Malta Launched on the 13th July at a public press event, participated throughout Learning Week events and closed off events with a great Professional Development Session in collaboration with EPALE Estonia on the 20th July.


Professional Development Session Teaching how to learn – lessons learned from "Learn to learn" courses, by Mr. Georgi Skorobogatov, EPALE Estonia.


Georgi Skorobogatov has a bachelor's and master's degree (Cum Laude) in andragogy and has been practicing adult education since 2006. He holds the highest occupational qualification - Adult Educator, EQF Level 8. His experience as a trainer is mainly based on supporting the development of adult educators, training managers, internal trainers, youth workers and teachers of various types of educational institutions, including in the public and private sector, NGOs and universities in Europe and Asia.


Session synopsis:

Georgi presents his experience and conclusions based on a series of long-term "Learn to learn" courses conducted over two years in different cities in Estonia for students with a low level of education and for those who have not studied for a long time. In his presentation, he will present the curriculum, methodology, topics, and materials used in the course and share his experience in attracting and supporting students. Also, he presents the results of a survey conducted among students after the end of the course to assess the effectiveness and impact of this training on their future experience and educational path.


Event summary:

Out of 20 applicants, 17 participants attended this EPALE Malta session.

During the session:

Ms. Mandy Mifsud welcomed the participants.

Then, Ms. Natasha Fabri (EPALE NSS Malta) gave the audience some information about EPALE for those who were not very familiar with the platform. She went on to speak about various initiatives by EPALE (e.g. Community Stories and the Community Conference 2022) and plans for EPALE NSS Malta (e.g. EPALE Ambassadors, instructional videos and webinars, and EPALE Awards.

After that, Mr. Georgi Skorobogatov spoke about the "Learn to learn" courses conducted over two years in different cities in Estonia for students with a low level of education and for those who have not studied for a long time. The session focused on practical recommendations of learning strategies.

Those present actively participated during the session to ask questions and share their experiences.

In the second part of the session, participants where split into working groups, and discussed a set of questions related to the topic and subjects they are interested in exploring further.

The session was very well received, and several participants reported having some useful ideas to take away from the session.

EPALE Malta wishes to thank Mr Georgi Skorobogatov (EPALE Estonia) for his invaluable contribution to make this event happen. We look forward to further collaboration during this cycle.


Georgi speaking


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