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EPALE - Ardán Leictreonach don Fhoghlaim Aosach san Eoraip


EPALE focus: Adult learning in career development

EPALE’s thematic focus for November is on the role of adult learning in career development.

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EPALE Editor

Career development.


EPALE’s thematic focus for November is on the role of adult learning in career development.


Adult learning encompasses a wide range of what we learn after leaving initial education and training, including work- and career-oriented learning, obtaining new qualifications, up-skilling or re-skilling for employment. Adult learning fosters employability and competitiveness but there are challenges to making it attractive, inclusive, accessible and flexible.

Here at EPALE we appreciate the important role of adult learning in helping people grab the career they’ve dreamt of. Check out EPALE’s thematic page Career-long professional learning where the community and the national teams have gathered interesting articles, useful resources and case studies on the topic (content varies based on your language preference). Visit EPALE regularly for new content in November!

We would like to invite you to join EPALE’s live discussion on the role of adult learning in helping career development.  The discussion will be in English and will take place on this page on 22 November 2018. It will be moderated by EPALE Thematic Coordinator David Mallows.

We hope to see you there!

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Gadiem ejot ir cilvēki, kuri nav savā vietā. Tāpēc noder izglītoties par to, kas tevi saista šobrīd. Tā ir laba informācija tieši cilvēkiem, kas meklē jaunu ceļu, jeb cilvēkiem, kuri vēlas nostiprināt savas zināšanas. Mūžizglītība ir ļoti laba lieta, jo tu nevari zināt, kad saskarsies ar to, ka vēlies sevi papildināt gūstot jaunas prasmes un iemaņas sev vēlamajā jomā.
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Profile picture for user Bozüyük Halk Eğitimi Merkezi BİLECİK.
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
Tue, 12/11/2018 - 14:46

Yetişkin kariyer planını yenilemek istiyor, ki bu sadece belirli bir yaşa kadar bir alanda çalışıyor. Belirli bir yaşın üzerindeki bireylerin üniversite eğitimi alması zor görünüyor. Halk eğitim merkezleri sayesinde, yetişkinler işten uzak olduklarında kendilerini geliştirebilirler. Kendine güven, yeni yetkinlik eğitimi sayesinde artık iş arayan yeni yetkinlikler çerçevesinde çalışmak için çalışıyor. Kursiyerlerin birçoğu, bizden aldıkları eğitimler sayesinde çalıştıkları alanı değiştirdi.

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Jolanta_ Zastavnaja_
Mon, 12/17/2018 - 21:30

Ļoti noderīga informācija platfomā EPALE mūžizglītības kontekstā. Manuprāt, ņemot vērā 21.gadsimta tendences, vajadzības un prasības, mūžizglītība ir japopularizē un jāiedrošina darba ņēmēji izglītoties, pilnveidoties visa mūža garumā.
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