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Impressions from the EPALE 2019 Stakeholder Conference

The second EPALE Stakeholder Conference took place in Warsaw on 1 and 2 October 2019, and very much in the spirit of the EPALE community. Around 230 participants embarked on an inspirational journey together, all the way from EPALE’s origins to its highly promising and ambitious visions for the future. If you were unable to attend, here is your chance to read about the inspiring event.

Profile picture for user Mona Schliebs.
Mona Schliebs

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Original language: German

“Raining cats and dogs”—but still having a great time

At the plenary session, moderator Tamsin Rose welcomed this year’s Stakeholder Conference attendees with the above remark on the less than welcoming Warsaw weather. With her surprisingly informal but always professional approach, she greeted the attendees and brought them on an entertaining journey that ranged from EPALE’s origins to its highly promising and ambitious visions for the future.

In the spirit of the EPALE community

Like a homecoming—that was my initial feeling at the EPALE Stakeholder Conference and it very much reflected the spirit of the community and at the same time offered a wonderful opportunity for the approximately 230 participants to exchange creative ideas and work together. 

Participants Networking at EPALE Conference.

Rather than putting the entire spotlight on EPALE itself, the conference also gave the platform’s users and stakeholders a powerful voice. After the European Commission and the General Director of the Foundation for the Development of the Education System greeted the plenary session attendees in Poland’s capital, the first of many different case studies on the use of EPALE was presented. The benefit of these brief insights, which were a defining aspect of the conference programme, lay partly in illustrating the impressive diversity and heterogeneity of the community, but also in providing all attendees with inspiration and new ideas for using the platform. 

The conference programme, which was packed with workshops, discussions and presentations, included enough breaks for individual networking and personal discussions in the pleasant surroundings.


Visions for the future

One of the major things that struck me during Wilhelm Vukovich’s (European Commission Directorate-General for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport) presentation on the various visions for the platform’s future was that EPALE has now truly reached maturity. It is now possible to leave initial teething troubles behind and focus on what really matters: How can EPALE continue to expand its community and ensure that ever more users become active on the platform?

The aims are clear: to make EPALE faster and more user friendly, and to provide more useful functions for community building without making the platform too complex or sacrificing any of its reliability or stability. The community has plenty to look forward to, because in addition to various technical upgrades, such as faster loading times, new language variations, improved navigation, the expansion of the Partner Search function, and other completely new features including the possibility of face-to-face conversation, the plan is to revamp EPALE with a new look and feel. 

Of particular interest to me—and, no doubt, others in the plenary session—was the mention of a very particular vision: the EPALE app. It would provide even greater mobility, easier networking, more discussion and even fewer barriers to the education sector—these are the very reasons for the creation of EPALE and are very much in line with the European Commission’s aim to simplify the design of the Erasmus+ programme and make it more accessible. An EPALE app would, without a doubt, bring us one step closer to this goal. We are excited to see what the future has in store for the EPALE community. 

Inspirational mood despite the gloomy weather

The second day of the conference provided even more reason for personal involvement. Highlights included an inspiring talk on the Nordic educational system by Lene Rachel Andersen, who offered key insights into particular educational models that are deeply rooted in society and politics. There were also four fascinating workshops, all of which I would like to have attended. However, as I wanted to further prepare myself during the conference for my own EPALE activities and for my role as an EPALE ambassador, I chose the workshop How to use EPALE effectively for your project—a guide by Christine Bertram. I had previously thought that I had a good overview of most of the platform’s functions as well as their purpose. But, as is often the case, following lively discussions with other users my horizons expanded and I became aware of completely new aspects. To supplement the workshop, every participant received a wonderful guide that offers motivation and helps to structure and increase the potential of their own activities. 

I would like to end my reflections on the conference by drawing on the answer Christian Friedrich gave regarding the question of how EPALE and its various content can remain relevant for its users: The most successful communities are shaped by joint challenges that are tackled together. You always need a source of inspiration to drive the community forward. EPALE can be this source.

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About the author: 

 Since 2017, Mona Schliebs has been a research associate at the Innovation in Learning Institute (ILI), where she  works in the area of digitalisation in adult learning. Her responsibilities include coordinating the CaseWORK project. She is also an ambassador for EPALE Deutschland.

Image rights: Peter Sadowsky Photographer, EPALE Deutschland, Pettycon von Pixabay

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Nóta tráchta

Zintis Buls
Wed, 12/04/2019 - 15:37

Participating in this conference, attended by so many vibrant and outspoken professionals, filled me with certainty that adult education in Europe, even though it currently lacks the necessary financial and political support it deserves, has a bright future.

And once again I'd like to commend Lene Rachel Andersen for her on point presentation outlining a humanity scale problem of virtues and the potential adult learning holds in helping solve it.
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Profile picture for user Katrin Echtermeyer.
Katrin Echtermeyer
Wed, 10/30/2019 - 11:56

Vielen Dank für den umfassenden Rückblick - beim Lesen war ich gleich noch einmal kurz dort ;-)
Inzwischen sind auch alle Vorträge ind Inputs auf EPALE als Ressourcen zur Verfügung gestellt: EPALE Conference 2019 - Präsentationen
Mich persönlich hat der Vortrag von Lene Rachel Andersen besonders fasziniert und inspiriert. Was macht "Bildung" - und sie hat auch im Englischen bewusst den deutschen Begriff mit seinem historischen Hintergrund benutzt - erfolgreich, und zwar sowohl bei dem/der Einzelnen als auch im Sinne einer Stärkung der Gesellschaft und einer gemeinsamen, nachhaltigen Weiterentwicklung?
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Profile picture for user laura_kutra.
Laura Kutra
Sun, 11/03/2019 - 12:46

Lai nodrošinātu arvien jaunu lietotāju piesaisti platformai EPALE, manuprāt, vērtīgi būtu popularizēt šo platformu studējošo un jauno pedagogu vidū, pasniedzējiem aicinot studentus iepazīties ar dažādiem rakstiem, pētījumu rezultātiem, izstrādātajiem materiāliem šajā platformā un pēctam daloties uzzinātajā ar kursabiedriem un pasniedzējiem lekcijās, semināros, reizē nodrošinot arī aktuālās informācijas apmaiņu plašākā cilvēku lokā. 
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Da stimme ich dir zu! Ich finde der Beitrag hat - neben anderen - den Fokus der ganzen Konferenz noch einmal auf eine Metaebene gesetzt, die häufig fehlt. Oftmals wird der Fokus bei Konferenzen am Ende zerpflückt, weil man sich themenspezifischer unterhält und vielleicht auch bei ganz konkreten Projektideen landet - was natürlich auch toll ist!

Der Beitrag hat für mich alle Teilnehmenden am Ende nochmal versammelt - und zwar nicht nur physisch sondern auch gedanklich! Ein sehr gelungener Abschluss einer tollen Konferenz!
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Profile picture for user Infonet-Sommer.
Michael Sommer
Wed, 10/16/2019 - 14:51

Persönlich finde ich die europäische Zusammenarbeit absolut wichtig, und darum ist es gut, dass es diese Stakeholder-Konferenzen regelmäßig gibt. Wir sollten schließlich nicht nur unsere regionale und nationale Perspektive pflegen, sondern eben besonders auch in Austausch mit den Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus den anderen Ländern kommen. Da fängt die Arbeit für Europa und für EPALE eigentlich erst richtig an!
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Profile picture for user ISMA.
Ginta Salmina
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
Sun, 11/03/2019 - 10:42

Projektu jomas cilvēki un organizācijas zina, ka tiek īstenoti daudzi vērtīgi projekti, kuros tiek izstrādāti noderīgi materiāli un īstenotas dažādas aktivitātes. Tomēr, tā kā ne visi pieaugušo izglītības jomā iesaistītie darbojoas projektos, ir svarīgi popularizēt EPALE platformu un veicināt tās pieejamību arvien plašākam cilvēku lokam, jo tajā tiek apkopoti gan izstrādātie materiāli, gan pasākumi, gan jomas jaunumi. Priecē, ka EPALE attīstās laikam līdzi un domā gan par mobilo aplikāciju, gan citiem platformas uzlabojumiem. 
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Da stimme ich voll und ganz zu.

Letztlich ist es ja auch das, für was die Plattform EPALE selbst steht - Austausch und kreative Zusammenarbeit über Ländergrenzen hinweg. Regelmäßige Treffen in Präsenz, bei dem die Community für den Austausch zusammenkommen, können die eigene Motivation neu entfachen und Kooperationen in Rollen bringen. 
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Profile picture for user nboubati.
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Tue, 10/15/2019 - 18:20

Ein interessanter Einblick in die EPALE Konferenz - schade, dass ich nicht dabei sein konnte! Mich würde interessieren, inwieweit der Austausch mit EPALE Botschafter*innen aus anderen Ländern Deine Perspektive auf die Plattform EPALE verändert hat. Was sehen andere in EPALE, das wir nicht oder anders sehen?
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Profile picture for user If29.08.
Ivita Freimane
Sun, 10/27/2019 - 20:03

Dalīties ar domām ir būtiski, jo tikai tā rodas jaunas, reizēm pat trakas idejas, kas ievieš ko jaunu, atvieglo ikdienu un paplašina redzesloku. Arī šī platforma kalpo,galvenokārt, kā domu apmaiņu karte, kas var iedvesmot kādu lielām pārmaiņām. Pilnīgi piekrītu autorei, EPALE noteikti var būt šis ugunskurs.
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Auf der Konferenz war es nicht immer gleich erkennbar, wer nun dezidiert als Botschafter*in, wer als Nutzer*in oder wer in einer ganz anderen Rolle da war. 

Mich hat schlichtweg der Austausch mit der Community begeistert, denn man selbst betrachtet eine Plattform wie EPALE immer nur aus dem Blickwinkel der eigenen Herausforderungen und Aufgaben. Dabei übersieht man vielleicht oft das ein oder andere. Während EPALE für manche hauptsächlich ein möglicher Weg zur Promotion des eigenen Projekts ist, bedeutet es für andere den Dreh- und Angelpunkt der Projektarbeit.

Mir waren beispielsweise die Möglichkeiten von EPALE zu Beginn der Projektlaufzeit oder sogar noch zur Antragsphase einfach nicht so sehr bewusst. Bei der Konferenz habe ich dann aber Projekte kennengelernt, die direkt auf EPALE „geboren“ wurden, weil sich die richtigen Menschen zur richtigen Zeit in Gruppen oder Diskussionen gefunden haben. Das finde ich sehr inspirierend.
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