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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe

National Support Services - Italy



    NSS Italy is managed by INDIRE -  Agenzia Erasmus+.




    Lorenza Venturi is the Head of Unit and is responsible for the coordination and management of all the Italian EPALE National Support Service activities. Her role is also to develop wide-ranging synergies with the main players in the field of Adult Learning – both at national and European level – such as the Erasmus+ programme, the Adult Learning Agenda, Indire’s research and the national policies by the relevant Ministries and regional and local stakeholders.

    Martina Blasi and Daniela Ermini are in charge of the development and implementation of the platform and its contents. Based on a continuous investigation in the field of adult learning, they contribute to develop the editorial planning, they write articles and edit resources by experts, supervising the quality. They are also reference persons for the national network of EPALE Ambassadors (Martina Blasi) and Stakeholders (Daniela Ermini) at national and regional level. Moreover, they are in charge of organising events, workshops and seminars on priority topics and themes in AL, of presenting EPALE during meetings, conferences and infodays, as well as through articles for third parties, both on line and for the printed press.

    Alessandra Ceccherelli is in charge of communication: she takes care of promoting and disseminating EPALE through several multimedia and multimodal channels, feeding the EPALE social media  (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn) and connecting with the media, besides looking after the visual identity coordination and the production of promotional materials. She is also active in the production of content for the platform and in stimulating users and experts to contribute actively, liaising in particular with Ruiap, the Network of Italian Universities on Apprendimento permanente, for the production of the Epale Journal on Adult Learning and Continuing Education.

    Giacomo Scarzanella takes care of the Italian EPALE users via the dedicated telephone, e-mail and on line helpdesk, as well as in the course of events, when he also manages the selection, registration and support of participants, looking after the logistical details. Occasionally Giacomo also deals with the video and photo coverage of events.

    Our stakeholders are at national, regional and local level.  We cooperate with the departments of Ministry of Education in charge for adult education, local associations of providers, local authorities interested in adult education, universities, providers of any type of adult activities and the Regional departments of the Ministry (USR).



    Epale Stakeholder list 



    Adult education Stakehoder in Italy:

    USR Toscana 
    USR Emilia Romagna 
    USR Lazio
    USR Sicilia 
    USR Liguria
    USR Molise
    USR Friuli Venezia Giulia
    USR Campania
    USR Marche
    Prov. Autonoma di Trento - Sovrintendenza Scolastica Provinciale
    USR Sardegna
    USR Piemonte 
    USR Abruzzo
    Rete Universitaria Italiana per l’Apprendimento Permanente
    Prov. Autonoma di Bolzano, Intendenza Scolastica Tedesca
    Conferenza delle Regioni e Province autonome
    EdaForum Firenze
    Centro Studi Formazione Orientamento (Ce.S.F.Or.) 
    Centro Servizi Volontariato Toscana (CESVOT)
    Ministero dell'Istruzione
    Ministero dell'Università e Ricerca
    Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali
    Inapp - Istituto nazionale per l'analisi delle politiche pubbliche
    Anpal - Agenzia nazionale politiche attive del lavoro

    Moreover, in order to ensure a promotion throughout the country, Italy has adopted a national network of experts, selected by national competition: the EPALE Ambassadors.
