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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe


EPALE Podcast - Re-imagining public libraries as learning communities

As the world changes rapidly, how should libraries develop? In this podcast, we learn how Oodi is pushing the limits of a traditional library.

Profile picture for user Elm Magazine.
Heini Huhtinen

Public libraries have a very special place in the Finnish society. The country has a strong network of regional and municipal libraries, which are seen as the flagship of accessible and equal education.

But as more and more information and resources can be accessed online, the role of public libraries is also shifting. An interesting example of an innovative approach to developing library services and spaces is Helsinki's new Central Library, Oodi.

How does a makerspace in the library help foster new learning communities? Why is a gaming studio important part of providing equal and accessible learning spaces for all? And what does the future of public libraries look like? Listen to the podcast to find out more.

You will hear insights and experiences by:

Riikka Leskinen, the chief pedagogical information specialist of Helsinki City Library

Sanna Huttunen, the special librarian running the urban workshop services at Oodi library

Moderated by:

Heini Huhtinen, Elm Magazine & The Finnish Lifelong Learning Foundation

Key Resources:

Helsinki Central Library

What is the role of public libraries in adult education? 

New Library Act and New Strategy for Finnish Public Libraries

Read the full transcript of the podcast here.

Opening image: Oodi Library, photo by Jonna Pennanen

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