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EPALE MOOC updated: Erasmus+ funding opportunities for adult education providers

Profile picture for user Christin Cieslak.
Christin CIESLAK
Erasmus+ funding opportunities for adult education providers

Enhancing a project application not only increases the likelihood of securing funding but also establishes a robust foundation for project initiation and execution. 

With the latest call for applications just published, there is a good opportunity to (re)explore the EPALE course "Erasmus+ funding opportunities for adult education providers", designed to familiarise participants with the current Erasmus+ programme (2021-2027) and provide practical insights into the funding approval process. 

The recently updated MOOC offers detailed insights into KA1 and KA2 projects, along with supportive documents and tools to guide through the application process. Diving into the eight lessons that provide an understanding of application and assessment processes, as well as effective communication with the National Agency - all aiming to make the application process more accessible for "newcomers" to the programme.

Without getting too technical, the course adopts a user-friendly approach, available on EUAcademy for free and accessible either from a laptop, as well as on-the-go via tablet and smartphone, so flexibility is granted. Summaries of each lesson are provided via infographics and animated videos, offering a quick overview of content relevance before delving into detailed lessons. By the end, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of the programme, the different project forms and budgets on can aim for. 

Thus the course is tailored to equip participants with concrete valuable tools, and insights into application pitfalls, and to improve their understanding of how to approach their National Agency for successful project endeavours. 

The course has now been updated to include the new application deadlines for 2024. Participants can now benefit from this integration, ensuring access to the latest information on Erasmus+ programme timelines. This enhancement enables individuals to stay informed and well-prepared for successful project applications in the upcoming year.

To access the MOOC, follow this link, click "Enrol", and start learning!

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Profile picture for user Dr. Szederkényi Éva.
Éva Szederkényi PhD
Community Hero (Gold Member).
N, 14/12/2023 - 08:43

Hiánypótló tanfolyam, köszönjük. Ha a kurzus felhasználóbarát megközelítést alkalmaz, amely, ahogy írják, ingyenesen elérhető az EUAcademy-n, és hozzáférhető okoseszközön, az a pályázati kedvet növelni fogja. 

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