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EPALE - Euroopa täiskasvanuhariduse veebikeskkond


Rahvusvaheline tööpakkumine partnerluse hõlbustajale / Call for Facilitators

Profile picture for user kadi.
Kadi Kass

Call for Facilitators for the partnership building activity “Volunteering Teams as a Tool to support Inclusion” 

We are looking for 2 dedicated facilitators  to join us for the partnership building activity (PBA) titled "Volunteering Teams as a Tool to Support Inclusion," hosted by OeAD in Yspertal, Austria. 


21st - 25th October 2024

Venue: Yspertal, Austria (Residential event with an online pre-meeting on 14th October 2024)
As a facilitator, you'll play a crucial role in:
• Preparation, implementation, and evaluation of the PBA
• Cooperation with the second facilitator and logistic team on spot 
• Facilitate and attend the preparatory meetings (online)
• Prepare the methodology and the design of the activity 
• Implement the 3 full days of the meeting

• Experience in facilitating international training courses
• Knowledge of the European Solidarity Corps Programme, with a focus on volunteering teams and/or inclusion
• Ability to work within an international team
• Fluency in English (spoken and written)
• Availability for the full duration of the event and preparatory meetings

How to apply: 
Fill in the application form and find more info at this link by 25th February.

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Tänapäevane ja tulevikku suunatud kutse. Enamuse, mitte vähemuse kutse. Valdkonna arengut ja professionaliseerumist tüüriv kutse.

Profile picture for user Piret.maiberg.
Piret Maiberg-Nõu

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Arutle, kuidas 21 sajandi oskused aitavad kaasa kodanikuaktiivsusele.

Profile picture for user Piret.maiberg.
Piret Maiberg-Nõu

EPALE 2021 fookusteemad. Alustame!

Kutsume sind rikastama eelseisvat aastat oma panuse ja ekspertiisiga! Alustuseks võta osa veebiarutelust, mis toimub teisipäeval, 9. märtsil kell 10-16 (CET). Kirjalik arutelu toimub otseülekandena ja juhatab sisse 2021. aasta fookusteemad. Arutelu juhivad EPALE toimkonna nimel Gina Ebner ja  Aleksandra Kozyra EAEA-st.
