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EPALE - Plataforma electrónica de aprendizaje de adultos en Europa


Volunteer Training in The Netherlands

Profile picture for user Zoltan Varkonyi.
Zoltan Varkonyi

An essential element in the program Language for Life that The Dutch Reading and Writing Foundation (RWF - Stichting Lezen & Schrijven) executes is the involvement of volunteers. Volunteers support adult literacy learners in their acquisition of reading, writing and/or verbal skills. In order to fulfil this task in a qualitative manner these volunteers receive a training developed by RWF. During 4 meetings the volunteers are familiarized with background information about literacy and literacy difficulties, the target audience and material that can be used in the learning trajectory. Moreover, training is provided in relation to the skills needed for the volunteer to successfully accompany the literacy learner in their trajectory of improving their reading and writing skills.

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The Reading & Writing Foundation
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